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    Weekend stuff: Notes on women's logic
    • Presently precise knowledge conquers all new areas. One such area is women's logic.

      The rigorous presentation is still in its infancy. The usual male logic passed this stage more than two thousand years ago, but female logic is still waiting for its Aristotle. The descendants have a great and honorable task to create a systematic course of female logic, to fulfill its axiomatization, to create computers operating according to female logical schemes. For now, we have to limit ourselves to some notes. Their task is, as far as possible, to make up for an oversight of nature that has deprived men of the innate ability to use female logic, which is so necessary in many life situations. It can be foreseen that our presentation itself is based on feminine logic. This statement should be considered completely inappropriate: the requirement to expound Aristotelian logic with the help of a woman would not sound better.

      Why is this generally perceived as a reproach? It is based on a mocking and dismissive philistine attitude towards female logic. This attitude is not too surprising: it is, unfortunately, a frequent reaction when meeting something alien and inaccessible. It is also possible that at first the naked islanders laughed, pointing with their fingers at the dressed (and armed) sailors of Cook ...

      We will take this subject quite seriously and respectfully, much more seriously than it might seem from a cursory reading of this work.

      Based on his own sad experience, the author advises a beginner not to enter into conversations with women without thoroughly studying this guide. It is best to pre-purchase some preparation in special courses in this subject. Students of these courses, in addition to the main activities, are recommended exercises aimed at increasing the volume of the lungs and strengthening the vocal cords. Unrelenting attention should be paid to general physical training and hardening of the body. Constant medical supervision is very important.

    8 comments 9 comments Vitaliy_KiselevSeptember 2021Last reply - September 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    COVID: New article on how virus damages a brain
    • Numerous enveloped viruses use specialized surface molecules called fusogens to enter host cells. During virus replication, these fusogens decorate the host cells membrane enabling them the ability to fuse with neighboring cells, forming syncytia that the viruses use to propagate while evading the immune system. Many of these viruses, including the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), infect the brain and may cause serious neurological symptoms through mechanisms which remain poorly understood. Here we show that expression of either the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein or p15 protein from the baboon orthoreovirus is sufficient to induce fusion between interconnected neurons, as well as between neurons and glial cells. This phenomenon is observed across species, from nematodes to mammals, including human embryonic stem cells-derived neurons and brain organoids. We show that fusion events are progressive, can occur between distant neurites, and lead to the formation of multicellular syncytia. Finally, we reveal that in addition to intracellular molecules, fusion events allow diffusion and movement of large organelles such as mitochondria between fused neurons. Our results provide important mechanistic insights into how SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses could affect the nervous system circuitries causing neurological symptoms.

      Actually, whole point of article is to deny uniqueness of COVID in this regard, as no other human virus has such property.

      And it is again ONLY spike protein is enough for damage.

    3 comments 4 comments Vitaliy_KiselevSeptember 2021Last reply - September 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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    War: You will be allowed to drive car only in reservations
    • "15-20 years later, if you will want to drive your car, you will be given a separate tiny reservation, and you will not be allowed to go on any public road. Public roads will be filled with unmanned vehicles owned by government and corporations, " - Deputy Transport Minister Kirill Bogdanov said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.


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    War: Apple started their planned retreat
    • Apple announced important changes to its policy - some iOS applications will be allowed to contain links to external resources to manage accounts outside the Apple ecosystem and even payments without the traditional 15-30% commission.

      So far, this applies only to "reader" applications - software that displays content "outside of iOS", including videos, music, magazines, newspapers and books purchased from third-party services.

      Earlier, Apple explicitly prohibited developers from redirecting users to subscribe to third-party sites and make payments in addition to the App Store - we are talking about services like Spotify or Netflix. Instead, users are tied to Apple's payment system, which charges developers a mandatory percentage.

      The decision was reportedly made as part of a deal with one of the regulators, the Japan Fair Competition Commission. At the same time, Apple said that the new rules will apply not only in Japan, but also globally, from 2022.

      Next it is required to destroy other pillars of Apple slave labor camp infrastructure.

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    War: Australia fully turns into police state
    • The Australian government passed a broad surveillance bill this month that is far more intrusive than any other member of the Five Eyes.

      The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020 provides the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) with three new powers to combat online crime:

      1. Data disruption warrant: gives the police the ability to “disrupt data” by modifying, copying, adding, or deleting it.
      2. Network activity warrant: allows the police to collect intelligence from devices or networks that are used, or likely to be used, by those subject to the warrant.
      3. Account takeover warrant: allows the police to take control of an online account (e.g. social media) for the purposes of gathering information for an investigation.

      If you become a suspect in a serious crime investigation, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission will soon have the power to modify, add, copy, or delete your data.

      The fact that there is no judicial oversight makes this legislation even worse. A member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal can issue a data disruption or network activity warrant without the need for a judge’s approval.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevSeptember 2021Last reply - September 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    China: Total ban on reality shows also
    • The Chinese authorities have banned TV channels from broadcasting reality talent shows, whose young participants become idols of young Chinese. This was reported by The Guardian.

      In this way, the country's leadership hopes to counter the fan culture that enriches the entertainment industry and allegedly misleads young people by instilling in them the wrong values.

      "Broadcasters and television establishments must not broadcast idol development programs or pop and reality shows with children of celebrities," such regulations are now in force in China.

      The authorities also called on the media to "resolutely oppose displays of wealth and pleasure, an interest in gossip and privacy, negative hot topics, vulgar internet celebrity and bottomless confessions of ugliness" in entertainment.

      Good move.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevSeptember 2021Last reply - September 2021 by endotoxic Subscribe to this blog
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