Inflation in the United States is already reaching 7%, and industrial inflation in fact is already about 25%. According to the rules of economic science, in order to extinguish such inflation and protect savings from depreciating, it is necessary to raise the rate to a level close to the level of inflation. But do you know what happens then? The US national debt is approaching $30 trillion. dollars.
If the Fed raises the rate by 0.5%, then this will increase the servicing of external debt by $150 billion, but if it will be increased to 7%, then this is an additional $2.1 trillions dollars a year just for the interest on the debt. And if, properly, they will increase rate to 25%, then this will amount to 7.5 trillion. dollars a year. BUT! And that's not all. There is total US debt. Today it is about 86 trillions dollars. 7% of this amount will amount to 6 trillion. dollars, and 25% - scary to say: 21.5 trillion. dollars would have to be spent only on interest. That's more than the US GDP.
Do you understand the tragedy of their situation?
Youtube top management sent to most bloggers recommendation to now do lot of vertical short videos ala Tiktok.
Already Youtube video level had been dropping with speed of big rock, but now they reached new speeds.
What this guys will do for money if Youtube will ask them? Show their dicks or boobs, just to stay in trends and recommended?
According to an article written by former U.S. Representative Bob Barr, hidden away in the recently passed infrastructure bill is a measure to install vehicle kill switches into every new car, truck, and SUV sold in this country. The regulation likely won’t be enforced for five years.
On January 17, the National Bureau of Statistics released the latest population figures. In 2021, 10.62 million people were born in China, and 10.14 million died. The annual natural population growth approached zero.
In the past five years, the birth rate in China has shown a clear downward trend. Data from the Seventh National Census show that the total fertility rate for women of childbearing age in 2020 was 1.3, which was already at a fairly low level. In 2021, this ratio hit a new low of 1.15.
As He Dan, Director of the China Research Center for Population and Development, explained, when the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths is 1 million, the population growth rate enters the zone of zero growth. For the period of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), the population of China will be in this zone.
He Dan named four main reasons that led to the rapid decline in the birth rate in China: the long-term effect of economic and social development, the decline in the number of women of childbearing age, the replacement effect of reproductive subjects between generations, and the delayed effects of the coronavirus.
The impact of COVID-19 on childbearing has been evident over the past two years. He Dan said that since the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have experienced job insecurity and declining incomes. According to the survey, about 30% of people who originally planned marriage and childbirth have postponed their plans.
In plain English - COVID already kills around 30% of future generation, just due to media attacks.
Due to the increase in the cost of energy resources, 3 enterprises of the glass industry of Ukraine have already stopped completely, and the rest have entered the stage of technological downtime to prevent a complete shutdown of furnaces. After all, the full resumption of their work after the shutdown is extremely problematic, financially costly and virtually impossible for Ukrainian producers.
The catastrophic increase in the price of natural gas, which currently accounts for up to 50% of the cost of glass products, has devastating consequences for the entire sector of the real sector of the Ukrainian economy, as there is a rapid objective increase in the final price of Ukrainian products.
This is one of the negative factors critical for the domestic glass industry - significant lower prices for import of glass products into our country from countries where energy prices for industry are sometimes almost ten times lower than in our country.
In this situation, the products of Ukrainian companies become uncompetitive in both domestic and international markets.
Ukraine's glass industry, which employs more than 12,000 people, is rapidly becoming unprofitable and in fact is in the process of bankruptcy and complete closure.
The Association of Glass Industry Enterprises "Glass of Ukraine" appeals to the Government for support and assistance.
Its the end.
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