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    War: Parler effect
    • Most EU based and many large Asian based companies are now planning slow moving from US controlled Amazon AWS services within 2021-2022 time period, building of local EU based datacenters will triple in this and next year.

      Mordor companies also got notices and started planning within last month. New server and storage racks orders for local datacenters also set new records, most of them will come from China, some from EU suppliers.

    9 comments 10 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: On modern mentality
    • The pace of development of technology, creation, processing and dissemination of information has significantly exceeded the capabilities of most people in the development and application of knowledge. The shift in accents in the perception of the surrounding world, especially on the Internet, from scientific, educational and cultural to entertainment and reference, has formed a new model of perception - the so-called clip thinking, a characteristic feature of which is the mass superficial perception of information. This form of assimilation of information simplifies the influence on the views and preferences of people, contributes to the formation of imposed patterns of behavior, which gives an advantage in achieving economic and political goals to those states and organizations that own information dissemination technologies"

      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09.05.2017 No. 203 "On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030".

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    Capitalism: Ukraine taking lead, less communists, more cold homes
    • Ukrstat reported that 142.2 TWh of electricity was produced in the country in 2020. Which is 6.6% less than in 2019. Electricity consumption in Ukraine according to Interfax-Ukraine with reference to the Ministry of Energy in 2020 decreased by 2.6% compared to the same period in 2019 - to 146.4 TWh.

      Production at thermal power plants decreased by 5.5%, at nuclear power plants by 8.2%, at hydroelectric power plants by 3.9%. But on wind and solar it grew, respectively, by 10.8% and 6.0%.

      The peak of electricity production in Ukraine was in 1990 - 298.8 TW * h. Thus, Ukraine has finally officially reached an amazing indicator - a literal halving of the volume of electricity generation.

      Almost all coal, oil and nuclear power plans fuel went to more "democratic" countries, as they need it more and can print money - mostly Western Europe, and Ukraine citizens go to EU to work like unqualified workers, hookers and wipe shit from old EU citizens asses.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevJanuary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Salaries in China also are below workforce reproduction level
    • In just six years, the number of Chinese people getting married for the first time fell by a crushing 41%, from 23.8 million in 2013 to 13.9 million in 2019, according to data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics.

      In 2019, China's marriage rate fell for the sixth consecutive year to 6.6 per 1,000, down 33% from 2013, the lowest rate in 14 years, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

      Demographers have been warning of an impending demographic crisis for years. In 2014, the country's working-age population began to decline for the first time in more than three decades, alarming Chinese leaders.

      Several years ago, the Chinese government announced it would end the one-child policy, allowing couples to have two children. The law came into force on January 1, 2016, but the birth rate and marriage rates still declined. Between 2016 and 2019, the birth rate fell from 13 per 1,000 to 10 - a trend.

      Statistics show that both sexes postpone marriage. From 1990 to 2016, the average age at first marriage rose from 22 to 25 for Chinese women and from 24 to 27 for Chinese men, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

      In big cities, the numbers are even higher. For example, in Shanghai in 2015, the average age at first marriage was 30 for men and 28 for women.

      For many Chinese families, buying a home is a prerequisite for getting married. But many young couples simply don’t have the money to pay for expensive real estate, and not every parent has enough savings to help.

      For example, owning a home next to a good school provides access to high quality education for their children, and wealthy couples are often willing to pay a high price for these desirable circumstances.

      In the wake of the impending demographic crisis, the Chinese government has launched propaganda campaigns encouraging married couples to have children. State media taught married couples that having a child is "not only a family affair, but also a state one." In cities and villages, propaganda slogans appeared calling for the birth of a second child, replacing the old ones, threatening severe punishment for violating the "one child" policy.

      Following the policy of two children, provincial governments extended maternity leave beyond the national standard of 98 days, with the highest reaching 190 days. Some cities have also begun to provide cash subsidies to couples having a second child.

      In 2019, several delegates to the National People's Congress, China's legislature, has proposed lowering the minimum age of marriage to 18 for both sexes from 22 for men and 20 for women in order to encourage young couples to marry earlier and have more children.

      Meanwhile, the Communist Youth League, a branch of the CCP, has taken on the task of matchmaking, conducting blind mass events to help single people find life partners. The authorities not only encourage young people to get married, but also try to keep married couples together.

      Last year, China's National Legislature introduced a 30-day "cooling off" period for people filing for divorce, which took effect this year.

      Idealism and opportunism - main qualities of Chinese Communist Party, and they could lead to staggering failure.

      In reality China needs to rise salaries quite a lot and it will lead to significant rise of Chinese goods prices, so everyone is afraid and think that you can solve real materialistic issue using idealistic pointless propaganda.

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    Bad design: Korean understanding of image processing
    • Samsung doesn’t have an internal team that determines what images should look like, rather it uses crowdsourced data to determine what the average person believes looks best in an image. They do this by actually holding focus groups with users from around the world and ask them what about images they like and what could be improved. The goal is to try and pinpoint what aspects of an image the company can focus on to appeal to the most users the most amount of time.

      The conversations can get pretty granular, though. In trying to suss out what people like about their favorite images, Cho says discussions can veer toward subjects like color tone and saturation, noise levels, sharpness of details, overall brightness and beyond, all so Samsung can tune its HDR models and its smart scene optimizer to deliver what he calls “perfectly trendy” photos.

      Samsung envisions a future where the same photo taken by multiple people will look different for each of them, with AI able to know exactly how to best please each individual.

      When there are ten people taking a picture of the same object, I want the camera to provide ten different pictures for each individual based on their preference,” Cho says.

      Cho explains that the right neural engine could look at a person’s album to determine what they saved and what they deleted, examine the filters they use, and track trends with how the image might be edited.

      “Those are some of the things that we could look at in order to ensure the system learns about the user,” he says.

      As result of this idiotic approach Galaxy S21 Ultra renders images such a way that all fine details are heavily sharpened so you can see artifacts, colors are pumped to become unreal, and auto smoothing computationally “airbrushes” faces so they look like photos on cemetery.

      We need to do something with Korean and Japanese management, they become enemies of the people.

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