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    Apple: Another rendering M1 test shows that Cinebench is rigged
    6 comments 7 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    War: On RSS and its silent role
    • I firmly believe the Internet, and what it stood for, peaked with RSS.

      RSS, or Really-Simple-Syndication, is (or was depending on your viewpoint) a means of allowing basically anything online to be collated into a single feed. You would visit the websites you loved, add their RSS feed to your preferred reader, and from then on be instantly notified of any new content, it was as simple as that. RSS primarily had its heyday during the Web 2.0 era (circa 1999-2010) when the freedom to do whatever you wanted with the information present on the Web was really the driving force behind a lot of new features and systems. This was of course before Social Media had taken off in the way we know it today and most of these concepts were siloed off into their own locked-down social-feeds.

      Once Social-Media took its hold on the Web if there was something/someone you wanted to follow online you just added them to your Twitter feed or subscribed on YouTube; a fine idea until you decide you don't like the layout of the site in question or an algorithm decides you don't need to see the work of those you care about as often as you want (aka the curated timeline). I've already spoken before about my general disinterest with Social Media but it wasn't until somewhat recently that I decided to really start looking for alternatives - searching for a better way to interact with the Internet. I found my answer in RSS. I enjoyed the freedom to see sources as I wanted, the flexibility to move to a new reader if I wanted, the complete lack of advertising. It was hard to not fall in love with the service.

      War on RSS started in sync with war with forums and any independent communities. Apple, Google and other monsters do not want all this to exist.

      Issue is that this monsters are ruled by enemies of the people and their fate is clear.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - June 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good quote: Why you need to read liberal stuff
    • Lenin liked to use the expression "class truth, rudely, openly expressed by the class enemy."

      He even advised his comrades to read the newspapers of the Black Hundreds. In 1917, while hiding from arrest, Lenin asked his comrades: "Can't I get the newspapers of the extreme right-wing parties?" “I had to get it,” recalled journalist Jukka Latukka. - Ilyich paid especial attention to the Black-Hundred newspapers. "It is a pity," Lenin remarked, "that the Social-Democrats do not catch these sparks of truth from the black hundred."

      Lenin retained this attachment to the writings of his enemies even after October. Bolshevik Maria Skrypnik recalled how he read liberal newspapers: “So he took the latest issue of Rech ... Reading ... Lenin was not irritated, on the contrary, he laughed with a contented look ... Looking at him at these moments, I recalled the well-known Bebel's words: "If our enemies revile us, then we are doing the right thing." One day she asked why the Cadet newspapers still continue to appear. "If we will close the newspapers," replied Lenin, "we will not know what our enemies think of us." Cadet newspapers were published in the Soviet Russia until August 1918, when the open war with exact this same cadets started.

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    Bad design: Fake memory foam ventilation holes
    • image

      Holes actually came from stupid managers who started to imitate solid latex that requires holes for vulcanization (not for better ventilation!).

      Even in all rolled latex holes are made specifically (by idiots) to play on people limited knowledge and make it look like latex. Such thin latex is vulcanized only by two sides, not require any holes and using completely differently looking machines.

      In memory foam 99% of all ventilation comes from proper structure, and even with it memory foam is always worst ventilated foam as it is tightly compressed near your body almost blocking any air in and moisture out. Btw any gel infusion and such is also fake shit, as it make foam feel cooler for limited amount of time, until temperature of gel particles will rise :-)

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    MAGA: Big tech will be allowed to make and fully control goverments
    • The Governor of Nevada plans to introduce new legislation that would effectively allow tech companies to form separate local governments within the state. In a draft proposal Governor Steve Sisolak calls for creating what he calls “Innovation Zones.” Were the legislation to pass, companies with substantial amounts of money that operate in verticals like blockchain, artificial intelligence and renewables would have the option to form local governments with the same powers and responsibilities as counties. That means they would be able to collect taxes, as well as operate things like school boards and courts.

      The draft bill suggests the traditional local government model is “inadequate alone to provide the flexibility and resources conducive to making the State a leader in attracting and retaining new forms and types of businesses and fostering economic development in emerging technologies and innovative industries.”

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevFebruary 2021Last reply - February 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    China: Preventing the Feminization of Male Adolescents
    • The Ministry of Education attaches great importance to strengthening the allocation of physical education teachers. Instruct all localities to make efforts to consolidate stocks, increase increments, improve quality, etc., coordinate and integrate resources, and take multiple measures to match the team of physical education teachers. The "Management Measures for Part-time Sports and Aesthetic Education Teachers" was promulgated to encourage retired athletes and volunteers with sports expertise to serve as PE teachers, and comprehensively improve the ability and quality of part-time teachers. In the past five years, approximately 20,000 new physical education teachers have been added each year through free teacher training students, targeted enrollment programs in poverty-stricken areas, and "Special Post Teacher Program", and more than 10,000 people have been trained through the "National Training Program" and "Provincial Training Program". National-level key teachers and more than 100,000 key teachers in the central and western regions, especially rural and remote areas. Implement the "Sports Aesthetic Education Infiltration Action Plan", improve the mechanism for colleges and universities to support the coordinated development of sports and aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools, guide 20 colleges and universities selected for the "Sports Aesthetic Education Infiltration Action Plan", and provide support for 38 rural primary and secondary schools in 18 provinces (regions, cities). Provide precise assistance and voluntary services in the teaching of sports aesthetics courses, practical activities, campus culture construction, and teacher team construction.

      The Ministry of Education has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. In accordance with the requirements of the National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020), the Ministry of Education has reformed and innovated systems and mechanisms, comprehensively improved the quality of physical education, and continuously improved school physical education. Incorporate into various work systems. In 2014, the "Notice of the Ministry of Education on Issuing the "Measures for Monitoring and Evaluation of Students' Physical Fitness" and other three documents (Jiaotiyi [2014] No. 3) improved the evaluation mechanism of school sports. In 2016, the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening School Sports to Promote the All-round Development of Students' Physical and Mental Health" (Guobanfa [2016] No. 27) clearly stated that "deepening teaching reforms and strengthening physical education and extracurricular exercises". In 2017, the "Notice of the Office of the State Council Education Supervision Committee on Printing and Distributing the Measures for the Supervision and Evaluation of Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools" (Guo Jiao Du Ban [2017] No. 4) clarified the responsibilities of the government and educational administrative departments at all levels to fully incorporate school sports In the overall evaluation system.

      If Biden will propose something like this and especially with such title (remember - he has big dementia, so he might) it will be his last day as president.

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