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    What capitalism is doing to Mordor?
    • The new UN Demographics Report 2021 has been released.

      For Russia, the conclusions, unfortunately, are not comforting.

      • In terms of the increase in overall mortality, Russia is in 221st place in the world out of 236. Close to Belize and Paraguay.
      • In terms of life expectancy, Russia is second in the world from the end. In 2020, it decreased by 4.5 years to 69.4 years. Worse than Oman.
      • The population decline amounted to 740 thousand people in 2020 - the first place in the world.
      • In terms of the total birth rate, Russia is in 20th place. Afghanistan, Vietnam, Kenya and others are ahead.
      • But there are a lot of migrants: 320 thousand people. This is the first place in Europe and the second in the world after the USA.
      • The birth rate per woman is 1.49 children - 193 in the world and 30 out of 48 in Europe. In 2015, Russia ranked 9th in Europe.
      • 6.3% of citizens do not live up to 40 years. Mortality under 40 is 158 in the world and the last in Europe.
      • 25% of citizens die before the age of 60. Mortality under 60 is 179th in the world and the last in Europe.
      • In terms of mortality among men, Russia is in last place in the world. Ahead of Burundi, Djibouti, Angola, Mali, Gabon.
      • According to the general mortality rate, Russia is in 6th place in the world from the end - 17 per 1000 population. That is, 1.7% of the population died in a year. Only five countries are worse.
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    Canada: Government under pretense of global warming wants to cut food production
    • Plans to reduce the use of fertilizers by Canadian farmers in the name of combating climate change have sparked widespread outrage in the country among farmers and provincial governments. Farmers actively urge the population to support them and take to the streets. “Farms or famine. Take the side of the farmers,” called the farmers today at a demonstration in Toronto.

      A meeting of federal and provincial ministers ended in Saskatoon on Friday, at which several provinces said they were disappointed with the government's actions.

      The federal government is seeking to mandate the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizers, saying it is a greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. While the Trudeau government says they want a 30% reduction in emissions, not fertilizer, farm officials say that for now, reducing nitrous oxide emissions cannot be done without reducing fertilizer use.

      "The provinces have been frustrated by the lack of flexibility and consultation around the federal target," Minister Lisa Thompson of Ontario said after the meeting.

      Several provincial governments and organizations representing farmers have been asked to measure the reduction in fertilizer emissions using intensity metrics - how much food is produced versus how much fertilizer is used. Trudeau's government is demanding absolute cuts in emissions, which farmers say will lead to less food at a time when the world can't afford it.

      “The world needs Canada to increase production and become the solution to global food shortages. The federal government needs to show that they understand this,” Alberta Minister Nate Horner expressed his opinion.

      "We're really concerned about this inexplicable goal," Saskatchewan-based Minister David Marit confirmed.

      Federal Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau called the government's goal ambitious, but says farmers will accept it.

      “I meet with many farmers. I know how much they care about the environment and how much they are investing in new methods and new technologies in order to reduce their emissions as much as possible,” Bibo said. "The idea is to produce the most environmentally friendly food in the world."

      Farming groups such as Western Canadian wheat growers have said the federal plan will cut crops, cut farm family incomes and raise food prices at Canadian grocery stores.

      While Ministers Thompson, Horner, and Marit were successful and professional farmers and ranchers before entering politics, Bibeau was an international development bureaucrat and ran a small tourism-related business.

      Similar plans to reduce the use of fertilizers have led to massive protests in Europe, in particular the Netherlands. The country was engulfed in riots, farmers and ordinary residents took to the streets of cities, blocked roads. The Dutch government intends to reduce the number of farms by almost half, and given that this is one of the main types of labor activity in the country, the dissatisfaction of the population is understandable.

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    US: All COVID vaccines will be expensive and you'll pay for it
    • The U.S. government is planning to stop paying for COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, and shift the bill onto the health care industry and eventually the consumer—possibly making it one of the first countries to end the practice of giving out coronavirus vaccines for free.

      The Department of Health and Human Services will hold a planning session on Aug. 30, the Wall Street Journal reported, to bring together representatives from the health care industry as well as state health departments, to discuss the commercialization of COVID-19 treatments.

      The move comes a few days after White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha confirmed on Tuesday that the Biden Administration had taken steps to get past the crisis phase of the pandemic and stop buying vaccines, treatments, and tests as early as fall.

      “One of the things we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about in the last many months…is getting us out of that acute emergency phase where the U.S. government is buying the vaccines, buying the treatments, buying the diagnostic tests,” Jha said at an event sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

      “My hope is that in 2023, you’re going to see the commercialization of almost all of these products. Some of that is actually going to begin this fall, in the days and weeks ahead,” Jha said.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2022Last reply - August 2022 by firstbase Subscribe to this blog
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    More on global warming
    • Experts urge to stop politicizing global warming

      Environmental activists regularly hold rallies in support of the fight against global warming, but scientists call for an end to panic

      Over a thousand scientists from all over the world, including Russia, signed the World Climate Declaration, which says that in fact there is no catastrophic situation on Earth with climate change - all processes are going as they should, and the influence of anthropogenic factor on global warming is exaggerated.

      Scientists are calling for an end to panic, because in the history of our planet, periods of warming are replaced by cooling and vice versa. For example, now there is a period of warming after the recently (by geological standards, of course) ended Little Ice Age.

      The last Little Ice Age ended very recently, in 1850. Therefore, it is not surprising that we are now experiencing a period of warming, the document says.

      Scientists agree that human activity affects the climate to some extent, but not at all to the extent that politicians who earn points on “saving humanity” try to tell about it.

      Experts say that all climate change forecasts today are based on computer models. However, these models are very far from reality: for example, since 1850, the climate has warmed much less than predicted by calculations.

      “The gap between the real world and the simulated one tells us that we are very far from understanding the mechanisms of climate change,” scientists say.

      And they also explain that the worldwide fight against CO2 is just stupid.

      CO2 is not a pollutant. Additional carbon dioxide in the air contributes to the growth of global plant biomass and increases crop yields around the world.

      It is noteworthy that the world scientific media simply ignored the appearance of such a competent document. Apparently, this is not very beneficial for some.

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    UK: Electric cars and propaganda
    • image

      Government is doing everything possible to destroy fleet of non electric cars. From fake deficits to special programs to promote electric cars.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2022Last reply - August 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Wolfgang Petersen Dies at 81
    • Wolfgang Petersen, the German writer-director who surfaced in Hollywood following the triumph of his submarine masterpiece Das Boot to make the action blockbusters In the Line of Fire, Air Force One and The Perfect Storm, has died. He was 81.

      Petersen died Friday at his Brentwood home of pancreatic cancer.

      Das Boot is real masterpiece, as well as The Perfect Storm.

    4 comments 5 comments Vitaliy_KiselevAugust 2022Last reply - August 2022 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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