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    War: China literally forces EU and US to use only electricity for cars
    • China registered a total of 9.66 million motor vehicles in the first quarter of this year, a new all-time high, the Ministry of Public Security said Tuesday.

      There were 378 million motor vehicles in China as of March 2021, including 287 million vehicles, according to the ministry.

      The number of drivers has reached 463 million, of which 425 million are car drivers, the ministry added.

      Use of oil and coal jumped significantly compared to 2020.

    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Capitalism: Yahoo Answers will be killed
    • Yahoo Answers, one of the longest-running and most storied web Q&A platforms in the history of the internet, is shutting down on May 4th. That’s the day the Yahoo Answers website will start redirecting to the Yahoo homepage, and all of the platform’s archives will apparently cease to exist. The platform has been operating since 2005.

      Yahoo, which is now part of Verizon Media Group following the company’s sale to the telecom for nearly $5 billion in 2017, announced the change at the top of the Yahoo Answers homepage. The message links to an FAQ, which details the timeline of the shutdown. Starting April 20th, the platform will no longer accept new submissions, the FAQ explains.

      Users will also have until June 30th to request their data or it’ll be inaccessible after that. That includes “all user-generated content including your Questions list, Questions, Answers list, Answers, and any images,” Yahoo says, but “you won’t be able to download other users’ content, questions, or answers.

      Note how amount of any sites and platforms allowing user input in text form is shrinking and this is quite fast process.

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    Bureaucracy: The European Vacuum Cleaners Limits
    • The European Environment Bureau (EEB) said: "Power doesn't always equal performance, though the misconception has become widespread. Some efficient models maintained high standards of dust pick-up while using significantly less energy - due to design innovation."

      Well, yes, but it is not the case in 95% of all real vacuum cleaners.

      Real innovations are very rare and usual improvement is in the range of 1-4%.

      The EU's own website says: "With more efficient vacuum cleaners, Europe as a whole can save up to 20 TWh of electricity per year by 2020. "This is equivalent to the annual household electricity consumption of Belgium. "It also means over 6 million tonnes of CO2 will not be emitted - about the annual emissions of eight medium-sized power plants."

      Same guys are promoting crypto scam now 24/7. May be they used this limits to free energy for this shite?

      Also idiots never actually provided calculations on how more energy will be consumed by making new "more energy friendly" cleaners.

      Another very real reason - big copper shortages and price inflation, as we constantly have periods of fast rise of all metals prices. By limiting engine power you reduce amount of copper it needs.

      And the UK Climate Change Committee says that since 2008 electricity demand is down 17% (despite all our gadgets) and gas demand is 23% lower, thanks to tougher standards on energy efficiency in homes and appliances. This, it says, has helped keep bills down.

      Actually nope, they are lower because of constantly rising prices that people have hard time to pay.

      And always remember - ANY saving measure promoted by capitalist is made to hike the price of energy to make you pay MORE, not less.

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    MAGA: US will destroy highways made by white racists supremacists
    • image

      The administration pointed to the Claiborne Expressway in New Orleans and Interstate 81 in Syracuse, New York as two examples of “long-standing and persistent racial oppression” .

      The plan set forth by Biden would see billions spent on an effort to “reconnect neighborhoods” by destroying current highways and replacing them by new super cheap and badly build black ghettos, of course new projects will “advance racial equity and environmental justice.”

      Btw, many BLM groups fight for destroying many factories and energy infrastructure also calling them as racist stuff. It is nice way to make US and Africa equal.

    2 comments 3 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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    Good and bad design: Sponge mop
    • As usual, capitalists try to make stuff that won't last long, but works for some times quite ok.

      Yet it is some better options, and some worse options:

      Thing I consider best China made sponge mop (this one use so called butterfly mechanism), with all metal axes and high pressure polyethylene as main used plastic - made by OKWife brand.



      And their newer cheapened mop



      Plastic axis and less plastic overall.

      Ever more cheap are simpler and less efficient roller mops


    1 comment 2 comments Vitaliy_KiselevApril 2021Last reply - April 2021 by Vitaliy_Kiselev Subscribe to this blog
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