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Windows 8
  • 26 Replies sorted by
  • I've been running the Release Preview since it came out, and I love it. So much so that this is the first Windows I've ever preordered. My copy of Win8 Pro shipped from Newegg today (with a $30 off coupon :3 ). Just have to get my screen calibrator back from my friend before I install.

    Even in the preview version, it's a bit faster than Win7 in general, but when it comes to booting, it blows Win7 out of the water. SSD or not (running it on both my desktop and laptop). It actually loads faster than my desktop's BIOS does! XD

    LOVE the new Start screen. It's fully customizable, so you don't have to go menu digging to find anything anymore. It also searches for programs/apps directly as soon as you type something in. Don't worry, if you're using the desktop version of Win8 (not RT), the Start screen is the only Metro styled thing you'll see, despite what uninformed reviewers have said in the past. There are apps here and there if you want to use them, but you can also default out of them and never have to see them again.

    A few bugs here and there in the preview, nothing that breaks it, but hopefully they'll be fixed in the final release. This is Win7, only better.