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Canon 1DX Hack
  • The latest news about how the canon 1DX shares identical hardware to the IDC had led me to want to hack the canon 1DX.

    I remember at launch, canon claimed they reworked the canon 1DC to dissipate heat away from the sensor and digic processor better than the 1DX. I figured they were bluffing even from then because the cameras share an identical shell, shape, size, weight, etc.... I am an electrical engineer and I have access to GHZ oscilloscopes and data loggers.

    I would like to help out the community and try and hack the 1DX. I don't know where to start, so I figured I would start a post here. I am familiar with the GH13 hack and driftwood hacks, and they show the great potential of crowd sourced hacking. I hope I can help just the same with the canon 1DX. Thanks for your time

  • 9 Replies sorted by
  • I could not find anything. feel free to close.

  • I will be closing topic soon.

    As soon as we'll find any credible source that cameras are exactly the same, I'll reopen it.

  • I wonder if the FCC has posted any picts of the insides of the cameras, like they did with the RED epic. that would basically prove if the main PCB(S) are similar on the 1DX and 1DC. checking now.

  • @endotoxic

    What fact do you need exactly?

    I just know how cameras are made, so if camera use same body, same LSI and even same sensor it does not mean that it is same camera.

    it is true exactly in reverse, until we'll find camera disassembled and claims proved it is just bullshit.

  • How do you know vitaliy? show fact please.

  • @commissioneranthony

    Claim that you use comes from source with no credibility known for bunch of bullshit.

    While 1DC use most parts from 1DX it is not the same camera with "just firmware change".

  • Thanks, I guess I'll try there. I just dont think i can afford the camera myself, so I'd rather be part of a group hacking attempt.

  • The people who make Magic Lantern would be the logical place to start.