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DR and Moire comparisons of GH2, D800, 550D and NEX-5N
  • This is quite an interesting shootout from a few weeks ago, showing a comparison of dynamic range, moire, color rendition and white balance.

    The GH2 is shown to have around 9 stops of DR, compared with 11 or so for the others.

    He's also using his own custom profiles, (except for the GH2) which he called "Flaat." More information on these profiles is available here:

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • The D800 is amazing considering how many pixels that sensor has. The D800 with a Mosaic Filter and using an external recorder should produce some really nice video. It's still a camera that is on my list to compare with the new GH3 and i'm intrigued by the Sony VG900 and BMC. Things have really gotten hot in the VDSLR market in such a short time. 1st it seemed like it was taking forever for really compelling cameras to be released, but now they're coming fast and furious this year.

  • I have used his profiles before, but I fond they introduce a bit of noise - they are actually quite good, but not there yet.