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Need recommendation for mobile monitoring
  • Hi there,

    I have a filming challenge, that will need us to follow skaters (one with a camera) down a street, with the director following in a car. The director wants to see the real-time view from the camera.

    Does anyone know of an option for powering a HDMI transmitter/receiver with batteries so they're portable? Or perhaps a battery-powered Wi-Fi camera that can pair with an iPad?

    I've been looking at things like this, but it seems to have too much latency.

    I would welcome recommendations. I already have the Touchworld monitor with battery pack, I just need some way to get the signal to it in real time.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • I belive that we had topic about WHDI transmitters.

    They have quite small transmitter stick, so you can power it using good battery.

  • he he.. what will the director do then? Give you directions? (Or finding himself quite important because he has live stream?)

  • @peaceonearth I think he wants to stream from the skateboard which the stuntie will be piloting through the streets of New York, and my challenge is to mount a camera on it. I'm thinking GoPro at this stage... not sure I want to risk my GH2.