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  • They are really service example for most companies.

    I used their service before, but just reminded how good it is again.
    As I got two power bricks for one of their stuff, with US plugs that can be changed (detachable). So, just asked if I can get Euro plugs, and got the answer in 2 minutes that they'll be shipped this day using UPS, free of charge.

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • @Sage

    I think it is better to use PM or make other topic about this.

  • @Sage,

    Thanks for the tips - and I'm sure I can use an upgrade - but money is really tight these days :-)

  • While it is an excellent company, last_Shift - there are much better upgrades from the z5500. Step up to an amp w/ audyssey multeq (denon perhaps) and full size speakers (tannoy 601p perhaps).. (you can use the z5500 sub, and the surrounds if you want thanks to audyssey matching, but go full size for fronts and center) You will be amazed.

  • I concur - my Logitech Z5500 Command Module blew out - and they sent me a new one in 48 hours, no questions asked.