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Short Film set in 1951 South Korea
  • Hi guys,

    I'm in pre-production on a low budget short film, set in 1951 in South Korea. It's a film set in the midst of the Korean War and features a British soldier, the only survivor from a recent ambush and a crazy Korean soldier suffering from Post Traumatic War Syndrome. Is he South Korean or North Korean...

    I thought about shooting on the C300, the MKIII or the D800, but as I own a GH2 with Voigtlander 25mm, SLR magic 12mm and a Zeiss ZF 50mm 1.4 I thought it would be a great chance to use the GH2 with Driftwoods best settings either Sedna or Canis Majoris Night or another setting and not waste money I don't have.

    Most scenes are set during the day with one night time scene over a camp fire.

    This could be a really good test and a chance to see the GH2 in narrative again.

    Does anyone have any suggestions to settings, lenses etc...

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • @thougts2uk Try and see if you can find a DP who's comfortable with the gh2. Then decide together with him wether to rent lenses or not.. I'm pretty sure you can work it (well) within a tight budget as long as your vision (together with the DP) is clear.

  • @RRRR thanks for your input. I will be shooting in South Korea. The lenses I own can be seen above. I am considering hiring a lens set such as Nikon or Zeiss CP.2.

  • Where will you shoot? Settings, lenses e.t.c. all depend on what you / the dp wants artistically. Ignore the other dslrs as you will barely have any advantage whatsoever. If you can rent another camera (like an fs100 with an external recorder) for the night scene then that could be good (if you plan on doing minimal / available light shooting) as the gh2 (although it works) gives you a minimum of leverage or do a test shoot for the night scene to see if it works out (before renting).

    Make sure you have a mattebox and a relevant set of high quality filters for the shoot. (low-con, nd, polarizer e.t.c.), I'd say it would be better to spend money on that and perhaps some lens rentals rather than forking out for the more expensive cameras.