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  • Hi All,

    I currently have a GH2 PAL version with the updated Panasonic firmware. I am looking at an additional GH2, and was considering to purchase a NTSC model. One question I have been trying to find out, and can never seem to get a firm answer about the hack. I hope someone can really clear the air for me, or guide me to the info.

    Will I be able to use a NSTC GH2, hack and set it to unit PAL to perform the 50i/25p/24p...? I would like to have both the original PAL and new NSTC cameras set identically (which needs to be PAL)... so would this be possible? or is it recommended get a PAL model instead...?

    Thanks, for your help in advance.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Great, but what do I have to do? what do I need to download, and where?


    Will I be able to use a NSTC GH2, hack and set it to PAL to perform the 50i/25p/24p?


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