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US: This is Eargle One, everything is fine, we are going down
  • 38 Replies sorted by
  • @NickBen

    Obama has his many failures, but this notion that a president who is wholly owned by Wall Street and big investment banks is somehow a "socialist" is really beyond belief. How folks ever arrived at this notion is mind-boggling.

    As for Obamacare -- the rest of the industrialized world spends about 1/3rd of what we do on health care. And they live longer and actually get more care than we do -- AND they insure all citizens (nobody has to go the emergency room for routine medical care).

    How do they do it? I'm sorry, but it's that dirty word: socialized medicine. Note also that the cost of medical care is THE largest contributor to the U.S. budget deficit. If we paid the same per capita on healthcare as they do in Canada, we'd be running a budget surplus.

  • nice phrase @nickben "as the craft has not been passed down from generation to generation" north american pride is too big to come out of this hardworking, who nows what will happend. nevertheless i wish greeks much better stability!

  • @NickBen

    As usual inflation for energy and food will be highest.



  • There is no political discipline in the United States to become fiscally responsible, until it's forced upon them by the rest of the world...

    My advice, if Obama is re-elected, prepare for a quicker future structured US Bankruptcy with Obamacare. Obama is incapable of balancing a budget to achieve his socialistic ideals, and he can tax all the rich into poverty, it still won't make a dent in the debt and future obligations. It is just a fact that highly Democrat controlled states and cities have no discipline to balance budgets- see Illinois and California to see their model has no bearing on financial reality. No doubt the Republicans have no discipline when it comes to military spending either. Once again, neither side gets elected promising cuts to anything...

    Standards of living have been lowered tremendously except for the wealthy, who pinch pennies on payrolls and now watch their money buy far more as they can now snap up properties in bundles of 10 thanks to Fannie/Freddie as mass foreclosure take effect, while the hardest hit people are expedited into the streets.

    "Fortunately" for the government, the new media and social networking allows for easier propaganda enforcement and searching out dissidents, and targeting them with increased propaganda, be it in school or thru entertainment or via internet marketing.

    Inflation, especially record high gas, energy and health insurance prices, leaves Americans with little disposable income for much else other than their Apple wireless plans.

    I would love the United States to return back to manufacturing, but reality is that we are nearing the point where the hands-on technical knowledge has vanished as the craft has not been passed down from generation to generation.

  • Sometimes I think this whole derivatives crisis wasn't totally accidental. I mean those who made it possible are not teenagers. And isn't it smart to produce debt to later convert it into weapons so that when it is finally time to pay, the creditors would be forced to obey the debtor! Although Marxism teaches us to believe this is just the essential logic of capitalism. No conspiracy theories.

  • @brianluce

    Describing it require some time, illustrations and other things. I'll try to do it later in series of blog posts, as I'll find some time.
    But any solution include very big life level drop.

  • @terry2

    Do not worry, US economy depends on president personality the same way as swamp depends on biggest frog.

  • What the best solution V?

  • @driftwood I agree, war based economy follow an old model in which countries economies weren't interconnected. Now stability is the most important factor for a good economical improvement. The decifit is increasing because the war costs are kicking in on the balance sheets (Interests etc). There is this funny thing of the administrations playing with numbers when they are in power to leave it to who comes next. For sure passing from Clinton to Bush was so traumatic that we are still paying the consequences now all over the world. Obama is doing a decent job, a nightmare would be if the mormon become president. It would be like having Sarah Palin per 10. I mean, seriously, how can someone who had offshore accounts in Cayman island and Switzerland and made his money in finance with CDS can become president? It's a nightmare I don't even wanna think about.

  • Don't worry, war is good for business.

    Yep, it is good. Unfortunately, proportions of the problems are such that it does not matter.
    And real target of wars is bringing more controlled chaos and improve control on strategic energy resources.
    Other big problem is that timing is now way off and clocks are ticking.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev Don't worry, war is good for business. Now that Iraq and Afghanistan is winding down, the military-industrial complex is preparing for the war in Iran ... although Syria might be first.

  • @driftwood

    Nope, such simple recipes won't work.
    If you go this way it'll mean 3-4 times life level drop. Huge protests, most probably using big number of weapons available. And idea about "build things again" is good, but require even further life level drop.

  • There's only one way out. Hard fucking work. Less consumerism based economy. Time to be innovative, build things again, quality investment in people. Quality products to sell to the affluent East.