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14mm effect of smear on lens
  • I just got this lens yesterday and just did the ptool update with a new GH2 camera. Anyway, this is my first wide angle lens is this a defective lens or what? I think so but just wanted to make sure. thanks!

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Thanks again for helping me find the solution! Now if they would get all the little kinks sorted out of the new firmware hacks we will be all set!

    Good thing someone renamed my header.. hopefully that will be a good start to some kind of organization to these forums.. gotta start somewhere!

  • Yeah, it didn't seem to be defective, just a lot of flaring (defective lens usually means it won't focus properly or similar), while this seemed to be just something catching light on the lens.

  • Thanks Gabel, you were right it is a Panasonic 14mm and it was a smear on the lens! I was a bit overwhelmed with setting up a new camera, but have had some great results, am used to feeling like an idiot, and I'm glad I don't have to return it!

  • I'm guessing it's a Panasonic 14mm, right? Are you using an UV or sky filter or so in front? If so, remove that and see if it remains. Have you tried wiping the lens? Could be smear causing it too.