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GH2 best auto mode to convert to match manual mode shots of 24p
  • I shoot in Manual mode as we all should, 1080p24.... But some times the shots i need to get involve moving camera a lot (or zooming in and out) so manual mode is not so good as my exposure doesn't change to match what ever light has changed with movement.

    Therefore I sometimes use the fully auto video mode and it does everything for me. Sometimes i need to quickly grab the cam before I miss the action.

    So my question is: What is the best mode to convert to match my 1080p24 footage?

    1080i - I would need to deinterlace and then this would end up 540p right? Well, no way true 1080p

    720p - ok this is 50p and I would be stretching the footage to become 1080p

    I know I will be losing quality but sometimes it can't be helped for the odd few short shots here and there.

    So my thoughts were to use 720p rather than 1080i... Any ideas? Thank in advanced.

  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • Why not simply enable automatic exposure and keep shooting at 24p?

  • Is there a quick way to enable this or would I have to go into the menu and switch the exposure mode? If I need to very quickly shoot something using auto I usually turn to Aperture Priority mode and hit the red video button.

  • Also how does Auto Exposure work? Does it adjust the shutter speed and ISO as you pan the camera?

  • So I would just change Exposure mode from M to S so that it adjusts the shutter to maintain exposure?

  • No, it will change the gain (and/or aperture, if you use compatible lenses) and maintain your selected shutter speed. (S stands for shutter priority.)

    You can save your settings to one of the custom modes (C1, C2, or C3) via Custom > Cust.Set.Mem., and then recall them quickly by turning the dial.

    Example #1

    • Set Exposure Mode to S • Set ISO to Auto • Save your settings to C2

    Example #2

    • Set Exposure Mode to M • Set ISO to your preferred value • Save your setting to C1

    Now, if you need to shoot something quickly and not worry about adjusting your exposure, you turn the dial to C2, press the shutter, and shoot away. If you need to go back to manual mode, simply turn to the dial to C1 and you’re all set.

  • That's great cracked it... so simple :/ I've used C3 as the preset for 24p, Exposure mode S, Auto ISO..... so that I can switch from 'creative manual mode' (mostly used) one turn down on the dial to 'C3'.

    Many thanks Mr_Moore :)

  • Happy shooting!

  • Yes, use shutter priority with auto ISO, and 24p or 30p or whatever your normal shooting mode is. This way the camera favors the widest aperture setting and the lowest ISO setting. In low light, the camera uses the widest aperture setting and higher ISOs. In bright light, the camera uses the lowest ISO setting and narrower aperture settings. You can use exposure compensation if you need to make the image darker or brighter.

    Set this way you might notice sudden changes in the exposure in bright light, when the camera is adjusting the aperture. ISO adjustments (in low light) seem to be pretty smooth.

    If you use auto shutter (Aperture priority), you'll get smooth changes in exposure as the camera adjusts the shutter speed. If you have the Lumix 14-140 lens, you can use P mode (auto shutter and auto aperture) and get very smooth changes in exposure.