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Imaginitive shooting and editing...from the world of advertising.
  • Some of the best examples (and worst, of course) of filmmaking come from advertising. I think the reason for that is that they have to tell a story in such a tiny amount of time. In the ad below, I love the sounds as much as the images, and the "suggestion" - enough remains hidden for it to look sinister. And all done in 30 seconds!

    What have you found interesting / inspiring?

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Wow, sefanos, fab videos! Thank you! PS I'm sure you've found it but there's a great "making of..." video of the "Third and the Seventh" - and now I'm more in awe because I really didn't believe some of the stuff (the camera, for example) was CGI. I bet you learn a lot about how light works by creating stuff like that. It's magical.

    BTW I loved "Crescendo" in particular (being a musician) but both are wonderful vids.
  • I watched "The Third & The Seventh" for the second time on a 42" fullHD tv . I cannot believe how I never came across it before so thanks again for sharing, seriously. And before I chose to study film I was on the verge on choosing architecture and I appreciate it even more cause of that. You know, there are very few things in life that you experience and you get that feeling that you can die happy now, and that's the kind of feeling I got...
  • I guess you know the 1st vid is directed by Rob Zombie? I like it :)
    the 2nd vid is incredible! can't believe it's all cgi... there are many people(including my father) who refuse to call VFX stuff "art", their argument being just cause it's difficult and time consuming doesn't make it art.. but in my opinion , work like the one above and other like Pierre Michel's work prove the opposite. In fact, it's safe to say that I've seen a hell of a lot more cg work with great composition/lighting etc than videos.
    Thank you for sharing the last video Mark_the_Harp ,for me, it is truly spectacular , unique and genius!
    If I may share sth myself, I'd start with the following which is one of my all time favorites that gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.

    and this one by the same artist is really cool, not very artistic like "Fireflower" but technically it's absolutely breathtaking and is sth that is purely impossible to do in real life cause of the camera movement.
  • Hey - just found another one. I think what it shares is creativity and beauty of image. But this is very different - it's not advertising (hell, it's my topic so I can break the rules). I'm not sure WHAT it is.

    But it is amazing!!