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Sony Alpha hacks talk
  • 258 Replies sorted by
  • is possible to put software into camera one more time even if is already newest update, but if installed soft is hacked, probably "hard update" will help, problem is that updater will not re-update it because by this soft camera is obviously updated.

  • @malco Just find tons of Info of Sony sensor AdjustCommand in adjstctl.elf of 7M3 firmware v4.00, for example: struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 1, "READ", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 2, "WRITE", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 3, "SAVE", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 4, "PDT_WRITE", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 5, "PDT_READ", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 6, "GET_PDT_STAT", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 8, "RESET", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x400F, "ID1", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x10, "VERSION", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x11, "DATA_CMP", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x12, "DATA_CHECK", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x4020, "FACTORY", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x21, "SERVICE", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x4022, "FACTORY_256", 0x3E0166> struc_SonySenserCmd < 0x603, 0x30, "OFFSET_ACCESS", 0x3E0166>

  • Just find tons of Info of Sony sensor AdjustCommand in adjstctl.elf of 7M3 firmware v4.00,

    1257 x 677 - 98K
  • Good evening everyone, my name is Francesco :-) I'm desperately looking for someone owning a Sony A7RII camera with never upgraded firmware version 1.00 to help me dump and share this only version unaffected by "star-eater" algorithm with the community! Any help or even contact of someone owning such a device would be really appreciated ;-) Francesco

  • Is there an email subscription list to be notified of new supported cameras? I see that it is supported up until the Sony A7R Mark IV. I would like to be notified when Sony A7R Mark V is added. Just bought it at a great price but unfortunately did not research enough about language limitations.

  • I am probably late to the party, but i am interested in hacking Sony firmware, the only problem i have is how not to brick the camera in the process of updating if i make mistake in the hack and can i flash old firmware to the chip in a hardware way?

  • 1st. From what i understood 2nd gen Sony cameras have recovery mode for firmware if firmware flashing failed interrupted or failed and camera is bricked, but only if version is newer than current one.

    Did anyone figure out how to only change version of original firmware file say my camera currently FW v1.1 i want to flash custom firmware which i call version v1.2 then it failed and camera is bricked to recover camera i need to flash v1.3 official which does not exist for my camera, is there way to switch only version of official firmware package v1.1 to v1.3 somehow so i can use it to recover in worst case scenario?

    All discussion that moved from site. From what i can tell not all discussion have been moved, the most interesting part actually related to firmware is still there in archive.

    @Vitaliy_Kiselev what happen to other people who been into hacking alpha series they all split from the project?

  • @AndroidCamraHacker

    Life happened. As such things have no future (as new camera will make most things obsolete) and require huge amount of unpaid time.