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DIY remote for Marantz PMD recorders
  • Cheap DIY device that emulate the RC600 remote controller: Record, Pause, and Mark buttons can be easily operated by feel Bright, Three-color LED indicates record status, and peak levels Powered by recorder—no batteries required Compatible with PMD620, PMD620MKII, PMD660, PMD661, PMD661MKII, PMD671, PMD570, PMD580 and more Few microswitches, a 3,5mm jack, resistors and a RGB led (SMD bright better under sunlight) are needed.

  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Little update with the "official" spects:

    2326 x 1560 - 437K
  • Not compatible the Marantz PMD-706?

  • Dont know. Does it have a remote (3'5m jack) port?

  • Excellent work. Thank you !

  • Great stuff, thanks a lot! I've only just got a pmd580 and was amazed by the sound quality from a 15 year old device, despite of what I read on other forums. I needed a simple rack-mounted solid state recorder to record ad-hoc sessions and for this it really does the job. But because I only have half-depth rack I had to mount the pmd580 outside of it and having the remote on my desk is a lifesaver indeed (web remote for the pmd580 is a bit clunky, I might as well use a DAW if I use a pc:) Thanks again, I'll build the remote next weekend when I have a bit of time.