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Panasonic GH6, final m43 camera, again with bad AF
  • 403 Replies sorted by
  • I just got GH6. I want to update the firmware version. My current firmware is V1.0. Yeah, I know, stone age lol, but it's a brand-new camera from B&H.

    The fact that a newly sold GH6 cameras still ship with "V1.0 firmware" is all you need to know about the sales situation...

    My 200 mm f2.8 lens was also at v1.0 firmware, despite that v1.3 was current. And v1.1 was released in june 2019.

    On the other side my Leica 12-60mm was totally up to date with v1.3 out of the box. Suggesting it was manufactured after march 2022.

  • @EspenB

    Well, camera market is in very bad position.

    If we open history we have exact repeat with hi-fi audio.

    Move to high end, consolidation, attention to some tiny details and more price inflation.

  • New firmware for the GH6 is out: v 3.0.

    Support for buying the $200 ARRI LUT.

    Support for the new XLR2 adapter (minus float audio of course).

    Minor bug fixes.