@Vitaliy Kiselev
Looks like the darn thing doesn't even shoot in color half the time! ; )
Battle of Lexington Reenactment. 4K 60p 10 bit 422 HLG HDR Dynamic Range enabled with an ISO of 2,000. Decided to see how it’ll look using those settings with this event. After a few days, the video finally converted to HDR.
If watching it with a YouTube smartphone app, the resolution only goes up to 480 60p in HDR. You’d need to view it on a PC to get the whole resolution. YouTube have had a ton of issues when it came to HDR. In the past, some 4K 60p footage never turned to HDR. Then there was an issue in which videos will turn to HDR but the frame rate would only be in 30p. Now that all HDR content is getting processed, there is a resolution limit on smartphone apps.
Took a bunch 4K 120fps clips while there. Make a slow motion video out of them.
Similar settings to the previous video.
Was in Sao Miguel, Azores recently for a week and decided to take as much videos of different places as I could. Had other things to do there. Tried to take a video of this place quick before it rain. Was poring soon after I left.
I mostly used the Leica 12-60mm lens in auto focus. Manuel focus in a few clips. Also used the Venus Laowa 7.5mm. Would have been good if I had the new 6mm. 5.7K 60fps. Standard Picture Profile. Dynamic Range Boost enabled. 800 ISO. Merged all the clips together using TMPGEnc MPEG Smart Renderer 6 and so there isn’t isn’t any color grading. This is straight from the camera.
"you can comfortably conclude that the GH6 has less usable dynamic range than the OM-1"
I'm using DR boost at 800 ISO on the GH6 and the noise is fine.
it would be amazing to see the DR BOOST feature implemented in a future version of S5, S1, S1H, A7Siii and FX3 because the dual iso in these cameras has almost 3 stops difference (640 - 4000) so it would be a 2 2/3 fstop increase in dynamic range. and it can be combined with LOG luts or with 110 ire reduced to 100 ire in post. So it would be something like 4 fstops increase compared to the default sensor. This would solve almost all dynamic range challenge situations for shadow highlight. So the organic sensor would not be so important anymore.
Looking at the various GH6 reviews out there...
Totally agree!
I have one simple rule... any manufacturer that cripples their product won't get my money and support that goes for Apple Canon and Panasonic in this case. Brand loyalty is not a good thing.
@Eno True story. Panny claim it is retaining resolution this way, but Sony doesn't seem to suffer.
I was just musing about generic technological advances...
@firstbase "Now we have 6k and 8k at incredible resolutions, HFR and bit rates. Just wow."
And still, a proper and reliable AF is too much to ask from Panasonic.
While I hear want you're saying, I would just add that each camera has strengths and weaknesses. If you're a Panasonic GH user familiar with that system, then the GH6 might be really nice for you. We need to keep in perspective just how spoiled we are with the advanced camera technology at our disposal. It's truly amazing and it will continue to improve, as an incredible as that sounds. In fact, you would think that we would technologically plateau at some point, but I don't know if or when that will happen. It really wasn't that long ago when 10-bit 1080p was a pipe dream. Now we have 6k and 8k at incredible resolutions, HFR and bit rates. Just wow.
Some people just like to live a flip flap life style. I've waited for gh6 since the gh2 and as much I love all the engineering behind Panasonic I can't put up with their politics and limitation to include pdaf. I'd rather spend 3 times as much and get A1. If you ever had worked for a big company you'll know how nasty these Product releases are being made for the uneducated end customers and it is all money driven with a social blind branding fellowship.
Video is in 4K 60p 10 bit 422 with dynamic range boost enabled. Standard picture profile. 800 ISO. Aperture mostly at f/5.6. Almost decided to not use dynamic range boost because of the high ISO since even with the shutter at max speed, the Aperture Would need to be around f/10 to f/13 to get a decent exposure without using a filter. Luckily, it started to get cloudy right before the event started.
It’s in 1080p for now and will be in 4K later once it’s done processing.
Always try before you buy!
From experience, the GH5II is a good camera if you can live with the limitations (AF and high ISO). If you found a good deal and if it suits your needs, great... go for it!
I have been on the fence since the glorious GH6 was released with yet another DFD death AF...
So suddenly there is a offer on the GH5 II with leica 12-60 for USD 2000 (equivalence).
While the GH6 with the same lens combo costs USD 3200 and while it was shortly available, it's on back order.
I'm currently only at the GH4 and really wants some new stuff for the spring. Autofocus for GH5 II is not much worse than the GH6? Also, the GH5 II have "expanded compatibility with DJI Gimba Ronin RS2" which I aquired last year in preparation for the GH6. I dont need the super high frame rates on the GH6 etc.
GH5 II a good deal at this offer? At least to up the GH4 while I consider my future in the m43. Might even get a OM-1 later if auto focus in video is super. :-p
Bought the camera on the 15th and have not had much time to shoot with it until yesterday.
Night time video. 5.7K 60fps. Unfortunately there isn’t an Intra frame mode for that. It would also be nice if 4K 120fps had an Intra frame mode. Wonder if that’s possible by firmware update.
For a card, I’d recommend the Angelbird AV PRO SE. Not the fastest as far as the minimum write speed goes but fast enough for all of the GH6’s ProRes modes. 512GB for $180.
4K 120fps clips. Some are in normal speed and some are slowed down. 24p timeline.
Bunch of seagulls flying around. Took this clip when I was about to leave the beach. It's shown in normal speed first and then the same clip in slow motion.
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