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Good quote: Lenin on war
  • The war must be waged for real, or it must not be waged at all. There can be no middle ground here.

    V. Lenin

  • 12 Replies sorted by
  • @Mihuel


    It is long time to this. But let's hope.

  • I keep my fingers crossed for communism in Russia. I wish you this. Of course you realize that statistically you may not survive it? Revolution loves to eat its children, my dear "Robespierre" ? ???? Good luck.

  • @Mihuel

    There is homelessness under capitalism, but I think is a lot better than the millions of slaves in the gulags.

    Wow, finally. We are in the open.

    Issue is not homeliness (but it is just one side of horrible society), issue is that most people are unhappy and are treated like replaceable tools, they also never decide anything.

    Are Gulags good? Nope. They had been labor camps. Now largest ever labor exploitation in prisons are in US. Id on't see much complains from, you about it.

    Isn't it strange that 99% of manufacturers and real products I deal with don't want them to be fixed or improved, because it won't increase profits (frequently it'll decrease them!). And you can't change this under capitalism.

    The difference between us is that I believe that capitalism is imperfect and needs to be improved all the time

    Issue is that you can't improve it, it is not your call.

    Note how all 80s and 90s everyone told how capitalism finally improved.

    But suddenly we saw his real face - bloody and horrible.

    and communists believe that communism is perfect and complete.


    It is all reverse, as communism requires tremendous amount of innovations and new approaches and lot of them won't work as intended.

    You cannot understand that other people want to live differently. "We will lead the nations to happiness on the edge of bayonets."

    As soon as ruling class will be removed all this "I want to live this" and "I want to live that" ends, people real wishes come to live.

    Note how on PV I usually talk to TV, just being put inside people brains.

  • I have noticed that religious fundamentalists and other ideologies are very similar to each other. They use quotes from their "prophets" and always blame others for their failures. They are also willing to sacrifice human lives for their ideas. You also like to generalize, there must always be an enemy. People are a mass for you that need to be formatted for your ideology. There is homelessness under capitalism, but I think is a lot better than the millions of slaves in the gulags. The difference between us is that I believe that capitalism is imperfect and needs to be improved all the time, and communists believe that communism is perfect and complete. You cannot understand that other people want to live differently. "We will lead the nations to happiness on the edge of bayonets."

  • @Mihuel

    New combinations and alliances are already being engineered. They want to fling themselves at each other’s throats again... And an imperialist war is again brewing and cannot be prevented. It cannot be prevented, not because the capitalists, taken individually, are vicious—individually they are just like other people —but because they cannot free themselves of the financial meshes in any other way, because the whole world is in debt, in bondage, and because private property has led and always will lead to war.

    V. Lenin

  • @Mihuel

    Because socialism is not abstract thing. Communism is not about some smart guys telling you that to do. No one telling that we must return to socialism we had, of course not.

    Ask a Czech, Slovak, Hungarian or anyone from the former Eastern Bloc if they miss socialism

    Lot of people miss it, most of other are afraid to tell you.

    Maybe the Russians cannot create a political system without violence and corruption? Maybe you do not know how to play capitalism, and the system in Russia is a form of a mafia arrangement, so you have a distorted picture of capitalism? Have you ever been to some country other than Russia?

    May be Russians just can't be puppets and colony as your country?

    Read this, very useful for you -

    Have you ever been to some country other than Russia?

    Of course :-) I even worked for a lot of various capitalists in US and EU.

  • I was born in a socialist country, I live in a capitalist country. Life experience tells me: socialism just doesn't work well. Ask a Czech, Slovak, Hungarian or anyone from the former Eastern Bloc if they miss socialism. Socialism is a utopia that only lasted thanks to the rifles of the Soviet army. Maybe the Russians cannot create a political system without violence and corruption? Maybe you do not know how to play capitalism, and the system in Russia is a form of a mafia arrangement, so you have a distorted picture of capitalism? Have you ever been to some country other than Russia?

  • @Mihuel

    Of course you can't, now... As you need destruction of your country, tens of millions dead before you understand that capitalist are able to do and why people must own all mean of production and live in peaceful world.

    Being mentally blind is the thing someone choose for himself. But reality is not going anywhere, it'll hit you.

  • True, I cannot understand the sacrifice of millions of lives to a sick idea and a mania for greatness. You would also not understand it if your comrades were tearing your fingernails out so that you would confess to things you did not do.

  • @Mihuel

    His mind produced stuff that you are unable to understand until the moment the bombs will fall into your own house.

    Don't be proud about this, you must be ashamed.

  • Is the dead body of this criminal still lying and stinking in public?

  • War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation.

    V. Lenin