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Panasonic GH6, final m43 camera, again with bad AF
  • 403 Replies sorted by
  • I did not recieve a GH6 review unit with over 4500 subscribers and been using Lumix since the GH2. I still am.

    @EspenB It seems like every camera influencer with more than 100 subscribes on YouTube have received a review unit of the GH6.

    The must have shipped more than 100 pcs of GH6 cameras out to the sales force. Simply mind-boggling.

    Rule #1: Do not talk about DFD autofocus.

    Rule #2: Do not talk about DFD autofocus.

    Rule #3: If someone yells "autofocus" or full frame pricing your career in influencer marketing is revoked.

  • @firstbase

    You are right, at $1500-$1700 USD this camera could make somewhat sense in the current market for specialized work. Unfortunately for Panasonic, nowadays I won't be buying any new camera without all the bells and whistles + a proper PDAF.

  • Are my eyes deceiving me or is there something nicer about the image coming from this sensor than what we've seen from the previous m43 and from mirrorless cameras in general? Andrew's used the word "thicker", or something like that, in reference to the image/codec. But it just appears a step up from the typical camera to me on my monitor. Maybe halfway between the normal camera and a raw camera. Am I off base here?

  • @Eno Your summation is compelling. So, codecs and bitrates (that most people don't really require) aside, why upgrade to the GH6? If you're going to manually focus, Gh5s is better in low light with more than adequate bitrates. As some have said, a lower price point, say around $1500-$1700 USD, could shift the demand curve for this camera, but Panasonic have painted themselves into an awkward corner vis-a-vis pricing on their existing cams. At $2200, Panasonic are tempting consumers to consider other compelling video alternatives in a similar price ballpark.

    It will be interesting to watch initial sales. We all know that the camera will require some firmware updates based on early camera testing to address some problems already witnessed (@AndrewReid_EOSHD).

    It's plausible that they may have to sweeten the deal with add-ons and discounted packages to gain a critical mass of early adopters. We've seen that before.

    Time will tell...

  • @EspenB

    It's painful to watch Death from Defocus in action, it stirs painful pulsing and defocused memories!

    For what it's worth, the GH6 is a nice low ISO and manual focus camera.

  • Sony A1 vs GH6 auto focus.

  • The GH6 CDAF is unfortunately as expected: poor and unreliable!

    If they don't want to sell, they don't want to sell!

  • For some reason @AndrewReid_EOSHD intial review video of the GH6 has been taken down.

    In fact the whole story has been removed from the EOSHD web page.

    I guess the DFD AF intro was to strong. :-p

    "Andrew Reid @EOSHD Horrified at news today. I am removing the previous YouTube video. Although joke was at Putin's expense, I don't think it fits well even as satire given the crazy escalation today."

  • Let's give a hand for @AndrewReid_EOSHD.

  • The first part of this video provides official reason for using DFD.

  • @EspenB

    One thing I am proud of is that PV is in stop list :-)

    Despite few good guys in Panasonic helped us with Japanese expo coverage. But it is not review and marketing.

  • They Say what they get paid for ... there is this old saying " fallow the money to find out the truth"

  • It seems like every camera influencer with more than 100 subscribes on YouTube have received a review unit of the GH6.

    The must have shipped more than 100 pcs of GH6 cameras out to the sales force. Simply mind-boggling.

    Rule #1: Do not talk about DFD autofocus.

    Rule #2: Do not talk about DFD autofocus.

    Rule #3: If someone yells "autofocus" or full frame pricing your career in influencer marketing is revoked.

  • I'm bummed about the fan which can only go as low as "normal" in 5.7K.
    OTOH, my ZCam S6 is real 6K and it is completely silent.
    Was hoping that Panasonic would figure out the heat issues as they have in the past. Maybe a firmware update to allow "low" on 5.7K.
    I film music videos. I don't want fan noise on my audio, seriously.

  • Looks like a great wildlife cam, otherwise hoping a few things from this make it into the next iteration of the S series...if there is one!

  • @Eno and @EspenB

    Double yikes! So... tell me the compelling reason(s) to purchase this camera over other offerings?


    without “dynamic range boost mode” the LUMIX GH6 at ISO800 performs worse than the Lumix GH5 II – showing about 6 stops of exposure latitude. With DR boost mode “ON” it is on a similar level with 7 stops in our standard CineD studio scene.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev I wonder who produces the sensor.

  • A short film made in South-Africa with the GH6: