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War: Total blockade via QR codes coming in Mordor
  • The operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus infection is working with relevant departments to draft laws on the introduction of mandatory QR codes in all cafes, all transport and all shops. Their introduction to the State Duma will be announced additionally, the headquarters told reporters on Thursday.

    "The operational headquarters, together with the relevant departments, are working on these bills. We will additionally inform the media about their introduction to the State Duma," the headquarters said.

    On Thursday, RBC reported that the authorities will introduce two bills on mandatory QR codes in transport, cafes and shops, and the measure will be in effect until June 2022 and could be prolonged further.

    Considering that totally vaccinated are 30-35% now and it is horrible mess and huge crowds in every place related to vaccination, people are forced to spend days standing in this huge crowds or they will be thrown out of their work otherwise.

    Now they will be not allowed to buy even food. And won't be able to travel to work or to hospital even.
    All large food stores are already accessible only via QR code and small stores also if they are located inside trade center.

    We are witnessing unprecedented attack on basic freedoms.

  • 12 Replies sorted by
  • On the morning of November 22, a QR code check began in Tatarstan.

    "At 07:30 Moscow time, conductors, the control and audit service and authorized inspectors disembarked more than 500 people from the rolling stock in Kazan," the message says.

    Metroelektrotrans called on passengers to treat the new restrictions with understanding.

    Earlier it was reported that in Tatarstan from November 22, when traveling in any public transport, persons over 18 years old will need to present a QR code about vaccination, medical treatment or a disease that has been transferred over the past six months.

    They are coming to you.

  • Passengers on trains sleep without masks, and on planes they eat without them. This is how the authorities substantiated the need to introduce QR codes in transport.

    Logic! Especially if you consider that vaccinated spread virus 100% the same and can be infected 100% the same.

  • Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and head of the headquarters for combating coronavirus Tatyana Golikova announced the introduction of QR codes throughout the country.

    “After consulting with the governors and experts, we made a decision to introduce QR codes in the country,” the Deputy Prime Minister said. She added that a transitional period is established until February 1 - at this time, it will be possible to visit public catering, shops and travel on a negative PCR test.

    After initial period all unvaccinated people will loose most of their rights and won't be able to visit most places or travel anywhere.

  • Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that a certificate of vaccination against coronavirus should become for Russians as important a document as a citizen's passport. Her words on Friday, November 12, are quoted by RIA Novosti.

  • Here they tell it will be forever.

    “this threshold should be constantly maintained at the highest possible level,"

  • The complete cancellation of QR codes and other covid restrictions is possible only after the end of the pandemic, and not upon reaching collective immunity to this disease. This was announced to reporters on Thursday by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov.

    As Peskov explained, "the collective immune threshold itself is not a constant either." "Due to revaccination, this threshold should be constantly maintained at the highest possible level," he said.

  • On the air of Vesti FM, political scientist, journalist, spokesman for Rosneft, Mikhail Leontyev, spoke about the citizens unvaccinated against the coronavirus:

    • "You are here trying to persuade the sheep to graze on their own. The sheep without the shepherd and, preferably, dogs do not graze ..."
    • "What the fuck is a campaign? We have state power ... it is obliged to ensure, roughly speaking, the health of the sheep, regardless of their will and consciousness, because it is responsible for the livestock ..."
    • "How long can you engage in propaganda with these ship? ..
    • "You just had to catch and stab. Two blows to the head, immobilized and pricked. And that's all. Well, they are just sheep. What do you want from them ..
  • But experiments in many regions already started:

    Tatarstan has already introduced QR codes in public transport. Residents over 18 years old can get into public transport in Tatarstan only if they have a QR code or a certificate of a medical evacuation from vaccination.

    Around 50% of all workers won't be able to get to work normally.

  • Seems like they backed a little looking at initial public reaction

    Restrictions will not apply only to pharmacies and grocery stores. Without QR codes, Russians will only be able to get into pharmacies and grocery stores, but nowhere else. In addition, temporary, the requirement of QR code will not apply to public transport.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Stop interacting with any place that requires natzi pass and peacefully non cooperate with any draconian law!

  • @Eno

    What will be form of your non compliance? Putting banned "I WON'T COMPLY!" on the door of your toilet?

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    This is horrible and it is planned everywhere in the world, we definitely must NOT comply!