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Capitalism: Why being libertarian and using common "logic" is dangerous
  • 110 Replies sorted by
  • Best Strida advertisment ever

  • Fun stuff

    Watch how libertarian try to use common logic and ignore all the science on how capitalism works and develops. He wants back, to the small business paradize, of course he also do not want to return his support credit, but this does not count as principles are for suckers. Future is full of horros for him, and I agree here, it is very little place for his business in the future.

  • Huge mental errors in Apple strategy understanding

    ARM is no biggie? Really?

    And who complained so loud about T2 chip? Or about proprietary PWM controllers? Or about soldered proprietary SSDs and so on and so on. Or we can go even further and look at the moment of BGA chips soldering start, and later tot he moment Apple started specially use different CPU models made only for them (also to make repairs as hard as possible!) How it happened that you already can't get most chips on Apple board? Random bad managers as Louis is telling, you? Bullshit. But he can't say otherwise as libertarian glass construction in his mind will explode.

    All this happened in steps. And on each step Louis told that it is "no biggie". But it was.

    Issue of individuals with limited mindset is that they do not get the big grand plan of huge corporation. They always expect something simple and quick, and instead get very long and complex thing.

    This year in the fall we'll finally see Apple final attack on independent services (half of them will be dead already, btw!) and same fall we'll introduce most encrypted ever notebook, with MacOS that will be locked and protected same as iOS. The notebooks that will check each and every component and that will reduce 10 times amount of smaller chips you can get. Prepare for new reality.

  • Libertarian ideology damages grey cells

    Google is free company and they just don't feel like accepting Louis ads. Even have formal rules for this.

    So, if it is good for Louis - it must be goverment controlled capitalism (read - nice feee money he got and all this ads thingy), but if it is not good for him and good for someone else - goverment must go and fuck themselfs. Logic.

  • Small sticky business dreaming about good sharks

  • All the innards of small business owner, little growing alien

    What US must do with police? Reform. Need to make good nice police that won't be doing anything bad and will be guarding good business owners and small owners like Louis. Wait....

    Police is such exactly because it is guarding "good business owners and small owners like Louis", because it is important part of class society and ruling class now are capitalists, class where Louis wants to be, at least alien part of him.

    Protesters are also good if they don't do anything except holding some pieces of paper. Don't touch Louis existence, but if they do - they are bad, bad people.

    Issue is that as soon as people realise how to reach the justice and have police that is on yoru side - they'll also understand that it is no place for business owners in such society. Will be lot of need for repairs, but not for repair businesses.

    Good thing in big business is that in any personal talks they do not tell you this fairy tales at least.

  • Watch small alien that is slowly growing inside Louis talking about "purchasing loyalty"

    With time this beast will grow little bigger and we all will see how Louis will throw people out at the time it'll be profitable to do. I tis no other way if he follow current direction.

    But now we still have childish understanding of the boss authority, children understanding of management behaviour. It is like old nice fairy tale books about pirates.

    Owners and managers Louis, are not bad people, they are behaving the way they do because of capitalism, as they need to compete and bring comparable profits. And if they will be playing in the nice guys game - they will be out of market quite fast.

  • Well, as Louis got his goverment payment (contrary to almosty all toher small buisness, thanks to his contacts and constant public videos) he is back into libertarian dreams and how not good idea it was :-)

  • Outside is really nice

  • Small business life becomes harder and harder, now it is looting

  • Good old video on how common logic does not work good in the repairs (but for politics Louis still has big hope for it) :-)

  • Capitalism bites... again.

  • Common logic shines again

    Louis, no one stopped economy because they care about each and every life.

    Ruling class is ok even if millions will die.

    Ruling class has its ong goal and he also prefers to survive going through their plan (but they don't care if you do!). Hence all the doings.

  • About a third of small businesses forced to close due to the coronavirus pandemic say they won’t be able to reopen due to an inability to pay bills or rent, a Facebook survery has found.

    More than half of the business owners surveyed by Facebook have also said they don’t expect to be able to rehire the same amount of workers that they employed prior to the pandemic.

    This is that happens if you use common logic.

  • Specially for people like Louis

    In any capitalist society the powerful tell lies to either the bourgeoisie or the proletariat, while the small proprietors, inevitably, remain wavering, helpless, stupid dreamers of "pure", i.e., nonclass or above class, democracy. Because from a society in which one class opposes another there is no way out other than through the dictatorship of the oppressed class.

    V. Lenin

  • According to the CNBC/SurveyMonkey Small Business Survey released Monday, which surveyed 2,200 small business owners across America, while the $660 billion Paycheck Protection Program was instituted to give them a lifeline through the coronavirus and economic shutdown, only 13% of the 45% who applied for the PPP were approved.

    Tragedy of small capitalists.

  • May be this will be next step (one that had been made by Louis comrades in Brasil)?

    The population of Paraíba was surprised by a shocking scene on Monday (27). Workers and commerce workers from Campina Grande kneeling, making praises and prayers asking for the reopening of the sector.


    According to the organization, workers "were coerced to participate in the movement by some businessmen who are heads of some companies, with the threat of the possibility of leaving their jobs".

    Thi sis also small business activities.

    686 x 493 - 65K
  • Louis really wants to open now, at all costs.

    Btw Louis suddenly stopped talking about fate of his workers (as actually he got no payments from bank to pay anything).

    He got 50-70% orders drop (actually it seems like more), and now mostly work himself or with his girl and 1-2 other guys. All other people who worked like mad, who moved all stuff to new shop (and got him money to move) are now at home, seems like without any money (since May) and waiting for nothing. As it is non solvable situation, if Louis fire them - they can get personal payments for unemployement, but Louis such way won't get compensation he so badly needs.

  • Lamb talking about wolf reasons not to eat him and why wolf make some accident mistakes sometimes :-)

    In reality all we see now is creation of huge poor workers army that is required to do any real manufacturing transfer back in US. Btw good future workers are also bankrupt small business owners, just as you can't get enough people now by killing farms.

  • The hope goes away.

  • Banks are part of the big capitalists business, and whole point of that happens is to make them feel better and nicer. Live with it.

  • While JPMorgan provided loans to virtually all of their commercial banking customers who applied for coronavirus relief through the small business program, their business banking unit - which serves smaller firms - only funded around 6% of applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

    From more than 300,000 small business customers who applied, only around 18,000 were funded according to the report. Meanwhile, around 5,500 of the bank's commercial banking customers - nearly all of them, received loans through the small business lending program.

    Must be bad luck, right, Louis? Accident, bad people.

  • Smart thoughs, again about good people and bad people. Same level as before.

    Still trying to find some comfortable seat in between two classes. Yet.

    "There are two classes, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie... And whoever isn't on one side is on the other".

    J. Reed.

    Now Louis is on the bourgeoisie side, but he is not comfortable with it, and, inside he feels that people can soon punch you in the face if you tell it open.

  • The paycheck protection scheme in the UK has turned into a mess, the banks have been given billions to distribute and have held onto nearly all of it, instead offering business loans at crippling interest rates and fees, on the news yesterday it said that " less than 2% of applicant businesses have been approved so far" and mentions have been made in the media of October and November..

    Comment about UK.

    Poor petty bourgeoisie. Time to look for some job on the fields during summer, dig up potatoes or such.

  • It is just one big pain for Louis

    Reading good books and smart people could save you from spending so much nerve energy.

    Just live with it, your business will be carefully and peacefully destroyed.