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25 years of Delphi
  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Once went for a programmers job at Glasgow University. After 10 years as a research physicist I'd moved more into programming. Reading up on the job all the departments programmes were written in Delphi, my platform of choice in the Lab. This was in 1999 or so, I think. At the interview I congratulated them on their choice of development platform and their astuteness in choosing that over the far inferior Visual Basic 6 of the day - the choice of only idiots as it wasn't complied like Delphi. Right, ok, said the professor in charge of the interview, 'it's just that we're moving over to Visual Basic next week'. I got my coat.

  • @Duncanario


    Now it is superb advanced stuff that you can use even for Linux server soft. Or instead make Android and iOS apps.

  • It's true they ended up making the correct decision but it was funny at the time