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NY: Fast improvements with homeless
  • 11 Replies sorted by
  • Time to close temporary this one also. As I need to make more lab stuff for now.

    I'll make big post about homeless as will have enough time and we'll return it.

  • What I don't particularly like is @vitaliy's constant anti-US diatribe , always focusing on the US , which is no coincidence, even that I most often agree with his anti-elitist sentiment , over these same criticisms being equally applicable to most every country in the world

    Well, "anti-US diatribe" exist only in your brain. Because due to school and media work you associate yourself with US capitalists and somehow think that you have same goals, values and moral.

    And even more fun is - it was openly stated countless times here that core things are same in capitalist states. Yet, here we are in English forum with lot of US, UK and Australian members. So, it is strange that economic posts are not about Kenia, but about US, UK and AU. I also asked myself this question.

    Personally, I've been choice, and was not less happy for it. Of course , I was young , adventurous, had a good vehicle and camped in good climate. But there are endless reasons why people are homeless, many to do with drug and mental health issues, combined with family issues, combined with a world wide society that doesn't give a shxt about it's people. Why should they ? There are plenty more where they came from !

    And this is horrible "common sense" bullshit.

    And we better get used to it...because within a few decades robots will have all the jobs.

    You mean robot posts are not anti-US propaganda? I am relieved.

    And here is proper citation

    The slave who is aware of his slavish condition and fights it is a revolutionary. The slave who is not aware of his slavish condition and vegetates in silent, unenlightened, and wordless slavery, is just a slave. The slave who drools when smugly describing the delights of slavish existence and who goes into ecstasies over his good and kind master is a grovelling boor.

    V Lenin

  • There's been homelessness in all societies and ages since 2 tribes wanted the same cave. What I don't particularly like is @vitaliy's constant anti-US diatribe , always focusing on the US , which is no coincidence, even that I most often agree with his anti-elitist sentiment , over these same criticisms being equally applicable to most every country in the world , esp. the one he's banned any discussion. It turns every discussion into his propaganda vehicle. And this, when we're fighting the same but opposite propaganda in the US, turns these discussions into the mirror image of what we're forcefed in the US ...about ...that other country. Personally, I've been choice, and was not less happy for it. Of course , I was young , adventurous, had a good vehicle and camped in good climate. But there are endless reasons why people are homeless, many to do with drug and mental health issues, combined with family issues, combined with a world wide society that doesn't give a shxt about it's people. Why should they ? There are plenty more where they came from ! For lack of a better descriptive term....we've fuxed ourselves into this predicament. And we better get used to it...because within a few decades robots will have all the jobs. And even if I was homeless, and I was stuck in NY, I'd be thumbing a ride ....out !

  • I don't know how we could ever expect a city like New York, or Atlanta, or Berlin, or Honk Kong, or [REDACTED] to not have such a big issue with homelessness, given the population density. I just don't think people are meant to live in this way. Its unmanageable.

  • @joethepro

    I'll remove your citation later, but brave attempt to get around the rule. :-)

    This topic is about NY. But I'll be glad if you make general topic and tell us your thoughts on sources of homeless people.

  • [REDACTED] is known for its harsh winters, and for more and more people there’s no break from the freezing cold. Homelessness is on the rise in the capital as the [REDACTED] economy suffers from the falling price of oil, its main export. Some charities estimate there are now more than 100,000 people living rough in [REDACTED]. “Many people end up freezing to death in their sleep. I know many who have died,” said 29-year-old Vera. “Me, I’m cold and hungry, as always.” More than two million [REDACTED] fell into poverty last year, as government spending cuts and inflation squeezed household income. To escape the cold, some choose to go underground — into the city’s sewers. Sky News met with about half a dozen men living packed together in a claustrophobic cave. Huddled against sewage pipes, they try to keep warm until the next day.

    Knowing policies of this forum, you can use your own brainpower to fill in the gaps to figure out the location this article is talking about. Hint, its not a city in the USA. These problems exist worldwide in many if not most major cities. This society we have developed ensures that it will stay that way. Its been like this for millenia.

  • image

    617 x 351 - 25K
  • Horrible. And lot of rich people around doing nothing.

  • and these are the official numbers for the shelters... the actual number of homeless is much higher. I remember seeing a good documentary back at the end of the 80s (can't seem to find it now) that estimated the number of homeless to be close to 80,000 back then. This included migrant workers, undocumented immigrants, transients, street people and the rest who live in the shelters.

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