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Samsung manager who closed NX division executed by feeding him to hungry dogs
  • Sorry, could not resist to use South Korea style news about North Korea.
    Just as I close my eyes see whole detailed moving picture of it. And I constantly smile.

    Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said a memory chip boom that propelled it to record profit in the second quarter is likely to continue in the third, just as revenue is widely expected to benefit from sales of OLED screens to Apple Inc.

    The world's biggest maker of memory chips, smartphones and TVs is set to smash its annual profit record after better-than-forecast performance in its mobile business lifted April-June profit slightly above its early-July guidance, analysts said.

    Samsung in a filing said operating profit rose 72.7 percent to 14.1 trillion won in the second quarter, versus 14 trillion won estimated in July. Revenue rose 19.8 percent to 61 trillion won, also in line with its earlier estimate.

    Yes, and they closed NX division to get few engineers and save tiny money.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • @cantsin

    Yes, it'll be sad life without few king class yacht and few Bentley cars. I agree.

  • Well, they are competent capitalists and good at that game. "14.1 trillion won in the second quarter, versus 14 trillion won estimated in July" - maybe there wouldn't have been the .1 trillion extra profit if they still had a camera business producing losses.