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GX80/85 stops recording at variable times.
  • I can't seem to find a clear answer on this one. Most people are reporting that they can shoot until their stock battery is completely drained about about an hour and a half. I tested this last week and it seemed to be the case for me as well. However I've rigged up a DC coupler and attached it to a much higher capacity battery expected to record longer and now the camera seems to stop around an hour (within 10 minutes of) before recording stops (camera remains powered on). I also am using a different memory card, could that be the problem (it's a fairly new high end sandisc card)? There's no problem with the video file, and the camera is warm to the touch but I don't think it's overheated. If it might be a card problem, is there a best way to format the card? I've just formatted via the camera.

    Thanks in advance, any info is helpful.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • Thanks DrDave, I didn't have a multi meter or anything to check the voltage but, that may have been the issue. I switched to a different battery brick and the problem stopped. I was able to record for 4 hours continuously until I stopped the camera myself. It seems that the GX85 is a solid camera for extended shooting (when paired with an external battery).

  • Measure the voltage from the DC brick. When it stops recording, measure the voltage from the battery. If it's too low, get a variable power bar from amazon.
    Use the new card with the old battery to rule out the card, or try a different card.