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Recommended books, ask for your input
  • I started new section in our FAQ :

    Already added few books.

    And want to ask you to post your favourite books here, so I could add best ones.

  • 79 Replies sorted by
  • Adventures in the Screen Trade - William Goldman Very entertaining story of screenwriting in Hollywood

    Tales From Development Hell - David Hughes: About great films that never got made and the disasters that caused their failure

    In the Blink of an Eye - Walter Murch As mentioned by others, really good book

  • Good book about story telling/screen writing: "Into the Woods" by John Yorke

  • Soon we'll have new topic and updated list in FAQ

    But today more important stuff

    Amazon today

    $10 off any book order of $25 or more from Amazon

    Use code HOLIDAYBOOK.

  • I was lucky enough to find a very good book for pennies in a book store (french version)

    • "A Man with a Camera" by Nestor Almendros.

    You can find it online between 50€ to 500$ (!) or sometimes get lucky like me : jump on it. Beside beeing a very enjoyable sum-up of his carreer (from his first shorts in Cuba, to oscarized work like Days of heaven), it's full of practical advice and original techniques on lighting, framing, etc. It will definitly influence your work/vision, no matter the budget you have (or don't) for you next masterpiece.

  • Wow this is becoming my favourite thread. I love all the books mentioned here. Let's add :

    • Letters To Young Filmmakers - Howard Suber
    • The Power Film - Howard Suber
    • The writer's journey - Christopher Vogler
    • The Invisiblecut - Bobbie O'Steen
    • The leaning Forward Moment - Norm Hollyn

    I'll add more when I get to my den.

  • Magnum Contact Sheets [Hardcover]

    It's quite large book. Interestingly the contact sheets from film era sorta do storytelling.

  • Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers by Marcos Mateu-Mestre

    I really liked the book. So true. If I can't imagine, I can't capture.

    The author's blog is full of lovely illustrations.

    I just ordered his new book "Trail of Steel: 1441 A.D."

    640 x 640 - 142K
  • Think in 3D, book about shooting in 3D, Kindle edition is now $0.00


  • One that I study along with watching Kieslowski's films . . .

    The Films of Krzysztof Kieslowski: The Liminal Image

  • Bresson's notes on the cinematographer is awesome! its like a collection of Haikus on film making. Its like yoda talking about making films.

    I liked sculpting in time a lot, too. But like Tarkovskys films, which are among my favourites, its often abstract, full of metaphysical stuff. While Bresson is like a straight arrow.

  • Are there any recommanded books or ebooks about

    • Documentary in general and editing/cut
    • Wildlife & Nature

    If anyone knows aswell a good forum/webpage about Documentary/Wildlife/Outdoor filming, I would appreaciate a link. So many things only about hollywood style movies, but didnt find much about the mentioned examples.

  • Really liked this eBook as a screenwriter/ really good guide into the best Agencies to submit too when submitting work etc.


  • Words from the master.

    Screen shot 2012-07-01 at 12.02.23 AM.png
    639 x 944 - 628K
  • Caspar Neher by John Willet

  • Definitely Painting with Light by the legendary John Alton. Other brilliant books:

    Notes on the Cinematographer - Bresson

    Sculpting in Time - Tarkovsky

    Hitchcock - Truffaut

    Film Directing Fundamentals - Nicholas Proferes

    The Five C's - Joseph Mascelli

    Cinematic Storytelling - Jennifer van Sijll

  • I made ​​a list of nominations, to see the preferred books:

    Sculpting in Time - 6 nominations

    The filmmaker´s eye - 4 nominations

    Cinematography theory and practice - 4 nominations

    In the blink of an eye - 4 nominations

    Master shots vol.2 - 3 nominations

    Film Directing shot by shot - 3 nominations

    Grammar of the Film Language - 3 nominations

    Notes on the Cinematographer - 3 nominations

    What is cinema - 2 nominations

    Filmmaker´s handbook - 2 nominations

    The visual story - 2 nominations

    The five C´s - 2 nominations

    Truffaut - 2 nominations

    Film Directing Fundamentals - 2 nominations

    Painting with Light - 2 nominations

    On Filmmaking - 2 nominations

    Updated at July 24

  • Doy, I got myself so sidetracked on that dumb rant I forgot why I was posting, which was to recommend Nestor Almendros' A Man With A Camera.

  • I know I'd like to hear em, luxis. I didn't start the topic or anything and I'm only speaking for me, but I'm far more interested in the aesthetic/philosophy/theory side, the personal view, I suppose, and don't care to ever crack open another technical rag, or the professional view, I suppose. (not that they're not worth it, but if you don't understand basic film grammar, I wonder if you haven't seen many movies, since 90 percent of them all look and sound exactly the same. Best way to learn: Watch - Shoot. (the "Stanley Kubrick film school.") Just watch Godard's "Notre Musique" for all the discussion of shot/counter shot you'll ever need, and then dive into "Histoires du Cinema". Cuts down on the reading! More fun! I'm kidding, but....) Now the Gladwell angle, and all the marketing stuff, that's the fuck-me-swinging side, I suppose. Yikes. But that's what's cool about this site. Pretty all encompassing. (and we gotta keep "Sculpting In Time" on top folks! Even if the English translation is a little iffy...)

  • Wim Wenders:

    The Act of Seeing

    The Logic of Images

    Sorry, these are for when money is not present ; ) Not so practical on camera techniques, but still a good inspiration i think since technique without thought process is just as mechanical as the camera itself :)

    I have a few more of these but not sure if off topic.

  • @Isaac_B

    Thanks for your input.

  • And how about more specific books about areas where money actually are present?

    I mean corporative films, professional interviews, weddings, etc.. May be some marketing for small firms.@VK

    I think that possibly the books regarding lighting would be good for interviews... Ironically most corporate clients now days want "AVATAR" - so great cinematic language books are a must... As for weddings- I thought that was a contact sport? Maybe some sort of great sportsman's biog?

    For marketing I would suggest reading ALL of Malcolm Gladwell's books... so many insights into marketing,.. and saleability, as most of the time one has to work out 'what' one is selling- then everything falls into place...