As I remember - yes.
Does this improve slow-mo bitrates and quality as well? Most of the NX1's normal modes are decent quality except for the slow-mo, it has a noticeable drop in quality.
In your opinion, it will be possible to have RAW video on NX1 (as Magic Lantern)?
160 mbps vs 80 mbps
Most people seem not to understand how to compare.
NX500 160Mbit
Let's hope for good progress here.
Some interesting reading if you are curious about what they are planing and how they are organizing all the mods.
Couldn't really find this...what is the highest bitrate that has been achieved so far ? Anyone crested 200mbps?
I think it is 160Mbit, but it is HEVC, so similar to 250-270Mbit H.264 of GH2 kind.
Couldn't really find this...what is the highest bitrate that has been achieved so far ? Anyone crested 200mbps?
For now it is just scripts that toggle specific RAM address, not real firmware hacks.
Got it, @Vitaliy_Kiselev... I tend to forget that camera geeks like many of us here might represent less than 10% of the market. But it's a shame, i really believe in the potencial of Samsung's hardware.
The bitrate hack has been unified for NX1 and NX500.
Look like GUI hack with multiple hacks at once is up next.
I've seen a couple of commenters say they've ran the high bitrate hack and have recorded 30 minute 4K clips without any issues.
Cameras are mostly out of stock. Plus they never had been highly popular.
I am big fan of NX system, but facts are hard.
Why people here are not intested on the amazing improvements that some guys (Vasile, Otto, Chant..) are doing on the nx1 and nx500?
In little time they disable the time record limit, are testing higher Bitrates and many more things to come (maybe a Magic lantern like..).
We could at least, update this topic... Nobody cares about the nx300 anymore.
The problem is that I do not have a exposure compensation button.
I think that you must look at the info in top post, by idea dev menu must be similar.
Anyone that have removed the video time limit on a Samsung NX Mini?
It seems that method used for newer cameras also works on old, check top post here.
Well, on the link it is ready to flash firmware. As I know author no longer do anything and disappeared.
What you mean? Removing video limit?
Anybody in this forum did the hack yet for the NX300? Curious, as I own one.
I think yes, but you need to talk to author to get info or ask him.
Can the video recording limitation ported to NX30?
NX300 firmware hack to remove video recording limitations!kABT1IDD!vQZI7hYsqng3AotKiaDDr-v03cZsRTGTpEyf9iLnPFU
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