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Per Capita Energy in US, things gets worse
  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Doesn't this also mean less CO2 emission?

    May be :-) If you are dead you also make no CO2 emission, I just think you won't like it. Same as you won't like to live as people lived in 16th century.

  • Doesn't this also mean less CO2 emission?

  • I'm no economist, but I call bull$hit. There is no way to make a recession or de-industrialization is underway from one stat alone.

    LOL. It is charts from official data.

    If you noticed, people are not cameras. So they have big amount of other knowledge also :-) And yes, from this charts and bunch of other statistics (like number of lost jobs in manufacturing and industry) you can conclude that de- industrialization was (and is) happening.

  • This is very important data. Must say this talks for itself. USA us ln a recession, even though we think its mainly for the their deindustralization (china is now the industrial USA) people and consumerism has increased in USA.

    Efficient performance is balancing with a more consuming mass.

    But this chart shows an overall decrease. This for me is called war and other deficiencies from a declining government.

    I thought that some living standards where only real in undeveloped countries. But what I've seen lately from USA was totally wicked. Poverty and people in real bad state. This is no good indicator.

    Things are going down.

  • I'm no economist, but I call bull$hit. There is no way to make a recession or de-industrialization is underway from one stat alone. Show this contrasts with China energy and corporate profits and the NASDAQ (which just topped 5000 last week) and that will be more insightful.