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Official Low GOP topic, series 2
  • 1022 Replies sorted by
  • @bkmcwd
    Amazing chart data.

    I just tried it out and it kills my Transcend 32GB Ultimate after a few seconds. I guess you guys are all using the SanDisk Extreme cards? I might have to invest in those as well.
  • @bkmcwd
    Hmm...GOP3 Nice! It looks good. Of course, it's built from driftwood's excellent 176M GOP1.

    If this is stable with Stray's extreme dense chart, that appears to be very strong frames.
    I need to see how well the i-frames hold up under low light conditions.
    I believe that chart data is the best I've seen from the GH2.

    Does this error on Stray's extreme dense (with motion), 1/1600 SS, ISO3200?

  • Anyone knows what is the max speed of gh2 sd controller? GH1 has ~80Mbps limit, as it tested.
  • @Stray
    Thanks for your first impression!
    I wish that your premonition comes true. :-)
  • @bkmcwd Nice, that looks very good. Image quality wise I reckon thats going to surpass the GOP1 by a reasonable bit as well as being very close to it in terms of motion. I'll do a good series of shots with this one tomorrow. Thanks for this, my instincts tell me this is going to be quite special.
    Edit : Its B-Frames are pretty much hitting the size of the 176M GOP1s I-Frames in terms of size. I hope it doesn't rain too much tomorrow. :)
  • @Stray
    Thank you for the usual advice!
    I understand your opinion very well.
    It seems that however, my strange settings of these days are not necessarily twice the speed as far as I get to know.
    But I decided to stop these strange settings and to make them simpler as you said me. :-)

    Although this may resemble the patch which someone made in the past, I made this 3GOP AQ2 setting instantly.
    It seems that frame size does not become small rather than a former my settings in this at the time of low stress.
    This cleared the moving Pappas chart test.
    However, depending on conditions, recording may stop at Stray's chart test on the way sometime.
    I think that I will use this for a while since it is completely satisfactory when actually using.

    Sorry, I have ignored except a setup of 24H.
    1294 x 634 - 206K
    1297 x 632 - 199K
  • 1 jupiter and 2 lomo cinema primes...
  • Which ones do you own? Helios, Jupiter and Tair over here…
  • and elitor soligon 75mm 1.9, my favorite piece of glass so far, until my cieve7 oct-18 adapter comes in so i can use all my sexy russian ladies
  • lysol burns blue only... no red its a high heat quick burn... 151 is slow and burns orange and blue...
  • If I had to guess I would say that he poured 151 proof rum over the bottle and lit it on fire... Just a guess... What lens?
  • wish I had a vimeo pro account... y'all should see this in HD motion :)) heres another 320iso f/1.9 1/50th custom wb
    00009 (
    1080 x 1920 - 1M
  • @PerryWilson

    Wow, WTF over...
    Now how the heck did you do it? lol
  • Fun... 640iso f1.9 1/50th
    Comp 1 (
    1080 x 1920 - 930K
  • Hi, any test shoot of GOP with and without? I don't undestand exactly what are the benefits of GOP? is better video because video have less compression? sorry for my ignorance
  • @bwhitz Yeah long time no see bwhitz, GOP1 looking good... :-)
  • Wow, haven't been around here for a while... this stuff looks amazing!

    @driftwood "... isn't it great how you can position a camera and tell a completely different story"


    I've always said, now that we're not dealing with film-stock and exposing with light meters, the DP and director should be merged into one position. A director that doesn't know how to position/move a camera is no director... ;)

    ...back on topic, I love the 1GOP settings! So great! True cinematic motion!
  • @driftwood keep them coming your footage is amazing GOp1 v3 for the win yeah!!!
  • @bumkicho No. 720/60 fps GOP1 and 50 isnt sorted yet... I have settings that Im reluctant to give out at the moment cus theyre nowhere near finished.

    @qwerty123 You'll have to try it to judge for yourself. :-)
  • @Mihuel No not wife, girl friend. The pushchair was a young woman just right (out of picture) showing her son the new day dawn... isn't it great how you can position a camera and tell a completely different story.
  • I haven't had a chance to review the original high quality files (I just watched them on vimeo). A lot of people say the new GOP1 patch looks "amazing," etc. etc. ...but what are the actual areas of improvement this new patch introduces?

    I mean that as a genuine question, and not a critical remark. Thanks again @driftwood for your hard work!
  • @driftwood
    Fantastic shot. Is this your wife? How you deceived her, so she walked from left to right and back? You have a child? A boy or a girl. I'll have a girl :-).
  • @driftwood

    Amazing work. Your footage looks great. One question. I noticed in your ini file that you set 720p 50fps FOP to 1. Should I change 720p 60fps GOP to 1 as well for my NTSC GH2?
  • Welcome back Nick!
    Footage is looking good - looking forward to more of your shots.
  • @driftwood Thanks! Yeah all good. The footage is killer. The reaction of DOPs I've showed it to so far has been a mix of amazement and anger (as in 1. There goes my 5/7/60D and 2. Why is a $1000 camera doing something once reserved for $60,000 + ones).

    Keep the patches coming. There is a turkey being deep friend for Canadian Thanksgiving next week and it may also need to be turned into a short :-)
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