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Share your D7100 movie picture style
  • Hi all,

    I am the proud owner of the D7100 and I don't know if you were desperate as I was while watching first movie tests recorded with this camera. You guess it: Horizontal noise, or bending if you prefer.

    Of course I tried different picture styles for D7000 and they looked terrible because the sensor is not the same. The D7000's chip doesn't have same banding issues as Toshiba's on D7100.

    So, I decided to experiment by myself with PictureControlUtility and create my own style that can satisfy my needs while shooting the video with my awesome D7100. My picture style can be found here:

    It's based on Neutral pic style. With this look I can go up to ISO 4000 and to enjoy image quality, where grain looks more film like and less digital. It has more contrast than usual Neutral style, BUT less horizontal noise, and in my case I can recover dark parts very easily in DaVinci Resolve.

    Anyway, I open this topic because I would like, as many others I guess, to see from other videographers their custom D7100 Picture style(s), to share it here with the other users as an alternative for shooting with less 'bending' headache :)


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  • I work with the Nikon D5200 which also suffers from these artefacts in video mode. But these horizontal lines that appear at higher ISO's can be filtered out with a AviSynth anti-aliasing script using VirtualDub, both programs are freeware and can be downloaded from the web.

    This is the script I use. It was made (not by me, found it on the web) to get rid of aliasing artefacts but I discovered that it also helps to eliminate these lines, at least most of it. (the script also works as some kind of a denoiser).

    LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mvtools2.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\FFT3DFilter.dll") FlowPath=("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\") AviSource("e:\Temp\1.avi") #name and location of the video file FFT3DFilter(sigma=4,plane=3,bt=3,ow=16,oh=16) #you can leave this as it is, has to do with blurriness QTGMC(inputtype=1, preset="slow", sharpness=1.2) #for quality preset can be "slow", "medium" or "fast" AssumeFPS(29.97) #For 30p output