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How to grade for the soft creamy look in this video?
  • Can someone give me some advice on how to achieve the creamy look seen in this video? Look at 1:35 for an example. (warning: language) It seems they brought the highlights down and maybe used a mist filter? Also possible that the lens used also contributes to the softness.

  • 6 Replies sorted by
  • Thanks guys, it does have a MBL look to it now that I think about it and remember seeing it used WAY too often on videos when everyone started using DSLRs.

  • That appears to be a MB Looks preset called "Blockbuster"

  • Yeah, not what I'd call creamy. Looks like mids are lifted to be closer to highlights, with a steep drop off to shadows. MB Looks likely has a preset for this, complete with vignette and diffusion.

  • Yes, this is a fairly common (overused?) look, but something about it appeals to me, for certain types of video content, anyway. It must be the bloom that gives it the soft look, Ill look into how that can be achieved. Id assume that in Resolve you would do some layering with the highlights misted or blurred, possibly adding some high soft adjustment in the soft clipping area?

  • Looks like a slight 'bloom' on luma highlights too. I would say this is all done in post, no filtration.

  • Well at least there's pretty strong vignette. Pretty strong contrast, maybe achieved with s-curve. In curves there's also blue in shadows.

    I don't call it soft creamy though, it's like hipster-for-bigmen.