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US: Schizophrenia
  • 46 Replies sorted by
  • >But every single one of them lives in a place other than China!

    Here we go again. My expirience is exactly the opposite to yours :-)
  • @Vitaliy

    I can also tell you that I met many interesting and inventive Chinese guys.

    I have too. But every single one of them lives in a place other than China!

    Good idea, as long as no one shoots it on a Sony NEX 5n.

    Seriously, the "Art" forum here has ZERO posts. We should give it more love. Not sure what is appropriate for it, screenwriting comments? Acting advice? are those appropriate topics?

  • There are no posts under the topic "Art." Let those who feel such passion ...write a script for a movie about this debate, or an important part of the preceved "inside story." I'd like to vote on a community project to be produced

    Yep, not much under Art. May be we are too young community and too modest for this?
    May be you could help us here? :-)
    If you so like this topic and film something on the subject I'll be all for it.
    It is yours idea.

    >Or am I missing something about a film community?

    May be.
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev
    I have an idea, There is a lot of passion on this subject. Passion is what you need to feel to create.
    There are no posts under the topic "Art."
    Let those who feel such passion ...write a script for a movie about this debate, or an important part of the preceved "inside story."
    I'd like to vote on a community project to be produced.
    ...Or am I missing something about a film community?
  • >Berlin based Transparency International ranks it BELOW chronic underachievers like Congo, Haiti and Pakistan. It ranks 154th out of 178 nations that are rated

    I don't give a fuck about Transparency international opinion. Because this is one of the most flawed organizations.

    >China is well known as the world's #1 ranked sweat shop and also rates an embarrassing 3.4 out of a possible 10 on the corruption scale. At least the Russians invent things, all China does is copy stuff. It's a giant ant heap.

    They fight corruption quite hard, if you look deeper in the topic.
    And corruption appears because economy grow very fast, so many firms fight for credit money or goverment sponsorship or permits.
    About copy stuff, well, it is also not so simple as it looks. I already had discussions here and explained why they tend to copy many things. You can't blame them, because this is human nature and this is good thing for quick development and obtaining skills.
    I can also tell you that I met many interesting and inventive Chinese guys.
  • @NickBen

    Sounds about right. It's all politics. #1 consideration for a politician is getting elected. #2 consideration for a politician is getting re-elected.

    As far as I've observed, US Supreme court is also highly political and partisan. Independent judiciary my a$s.
  • Inconvenient truth: Russian is one of the most crooked countries in the world. Berlin based Transparency International ranks it BELOW chronic underachievers like Congo, Haiti and Pakistan. It ranks 154th out of 178 nations that are rated.

    China is well known as the world's #1 ranked sweat shop and also rates an embarrassing 3.4 out of a possible 10 on the corruption scale. At least the Russians invent things, all China does is copy stuff. It's a giant ant heap.

  • Yesterday's jobs speech was really a campaign speech of loose ideas delivered by our top Used Car Salesman in a suit... tell you what you want to hear, not exactly what you will get- which is a poorly recycled vehicle with no warranty!

    OBAMA "This is inexcusable. Building a world-class transportation system is part of what made us an economic superpower. And now we’re going to sit back and watch China build newer airports and faster railroads? At a time when millions of unemployed construction workers could build them right here in America? "

    OK, Mr. President. You want to build fast trains and nicer streets to get from point A and point B so unemployed people can stare at it and can't afford to ride it or pay to maintain it?

    Meanwhile, Obama gives NASA engineers pink slips instead of utilizing their college educations for a more streamlined shuttle program or applied scientific research for US competitiveness, and now he wants more college educated engineers? For what, to join them in the unemployment line?

    Obama is putting forth a "BLAME CONGRESS" jobs bill, and all this Kabuki theater is American politics at it's worst... always blame the other guy...

    Obama keeps bringing up his buddy Warren Buffet who got a sweetheart deal from Bank of America last month to make a quick billion, and now Mr. Buffet is a "Model American" for wanting to pay a couple more percent in Taxes?
    President Bush would have been impeached for the same association with a political supporter...

    Sadly, everything we'll see from the US thru Nov. 2012 is based on pure political polling data from Republican and Democrat parties, except for Gov. Rick Perry who calls a ponzi scheme when he sees it, but likely isn't smart enough to calculate the slope of a supply-demand curve...

    The World will have to lead for a while until after Nov 2012...
  • As they develop (and both are far behind the US) they both become markets for US goods. Russia is essentially a gangster nation and China a slave state that hasn't invented much of anything since gunpowder -- and that was a long time ago.

    I really like your style :-)
    Gangster nation, slave state.
    And other them are real freedom fighters(tm) who need new markets for their... wait can't find anything.. yep, found.. paper dollars. :-)
  • @Mihuel
    Why are China and Russia problems? As they develop (and both are far behind the US) they both become markets for US goods. Russia is essentially a gangster nation and China a slave state that hasn't invented much of anything since gunpowder -- and that was a long time ago.
  • The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -- That's pretty much sums up a modern day socialist like Barry.
  • @Vitaliy
    They've got two problems: Russia and China.
  • >They've lost their way,

    They did not lost anything.
    Cutting all social infrastructure, made possible because of USSR, in extremely short time, with parallel new colonialism, is nearest target.
    Back to the future :-)
  • @Vitaliy
    They've lost their way, let's give them time to find a "real" reason or enemy :-)
  • @Vitaliy
    >It is also interesting to see how president is making speech that is not backed up by any real numbers or calculated plans
    Because it was a speech addressed to the voters in the coming presidential election. Most of these voters, hearing real numbers or calculated plans to do this are not understood. For me, pure propaganda.
  • >Think there is nothing schizophrenic.

    How so?
    I suggest you to read definition of schizophrenia and after this compare current speech and all his speeches before, including ones before famous "spending cut deal".
    It is also interesting to see how president is making speech that is not backed up by any real numbers or calculated plans.
  • think there is nothing schizophrenic. Is this idea does not remind us of something? Remember the "New Deal"? I think it could be propaganda because it is the citizens wanted to hear . We'll see what happens, remember that the great unemployment of the Great Depression of the 30, the twentieth century, stopped, until World War II.
  • @Aria

    This is about completely different. And no one betting against US here.
    How about comparing all the mr Obama talks and proposals in last 60 days?
    Only delusional schizophrenic can do all this as they never follow any logic.

    Even choosed date and time had been specially aligned with mr. Bernanke speech, to calm banks and finance institutions, stating some kind of "virtual QE3 Lite".
  • Don't bet against the U.S. If you've lived long enough you've seen this country bounce back from the abyss. If you've lived here you know the spirit of the people here is unique. The melting pot of different cultures and people coming here to find a better life over hundreds of years has built in a fighting spirit. I think the proposal has a chance to at least start to get the people motivated and once motivated this can be a special place.
  • >Wasn't there a Russian professor who said the U.S. was going to fragment into several pieces?

    I really do not know how this is related.
    Or you mean that this professor is, in fact, secretly kept delusional brother of mr. Obama? :-)
  • Wasn't there a Russian professor who said the U.S. was going to fragment into several pieces?