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Kané (ITW with a zombie) - French short shot with GH3
  • Hello personal view users,

    Here's the teaser for the last school work I shot with my GH3 (I'm in love with this little thing) :

    A few years after the "uprising" that wounded Europe, Mark looks back on this dark period of its existence and its challenging social reintegration into the world of the living.

    The optics were : SLR Magic 12mm f1.6 (awesome) Leica Summilux 25mm f1.4 (awesome despite focus by wire and poor rack focus) Leica R Elmarit 135mm f2.8 (great deal) Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.8 (not fan..., but can be useful)

    50, 400 iso, natural profil (-3 all the way, which mean noise, I like it but compression don't) Edited in Premiere

    Comments and critics are welcome.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • The movie is on vimeo :

    As always, comments are welcome.

    364 x 516 - 100K
  • We upgraded the Teaser, with new images.

    By the way it's a zombie movie (well... at least a movie with dead people inside).