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Very cool kickstarter project, video shot with gh3
  • I shot this kickstarter video for my good friends out in San Francisco a couple months ago with a gh3. It launched today. It's a very cool product and a great business model. Unfortunately they don't have a paid Vimeo account, so it's only 720. Comments, critiques, etc are welcome. I love to learn and grow as a film maker through the constructive criticism of my peers. Shot with Pana 12-35, Rokinon 25mm 1.4, and Zeiss 85mm 1.4.

  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • Cool video but I don't find any real use for the product. But that's just me.

  • Thanks a lot fellas! This was so fun to shoot and edit. I do a lot of author interviews and book trailers which are all good, but being able to rig up my camera and do action shots from a skateboard and tell this kind of story was a breath of fresh air. @oscilian Cheers mate @maxr Thank man! I didn't do the animation or the African footage. That final shot was supposed to illustrate the device powering lights. I envisioned the bike riding down a lit street and then turning down a dark ally and illuminating the darkness of the ally with the powered lights panning up to pitch dark with the company logo. Unfortunately it was 10pm on my last night in San Francisco and this was the best we could find close to where I was staying. Everyone was exhausted and didn't want to spend the extra time scouring the streets to find the right place. While this is not an uncommon scene on the east coast, supposedly it's not as easy to find in downtown SF according to the guys I was with. All said, I'm still happy with the shot, I thought it conveyed the message, just not as powerfully as I imagined.

  • Now that's great visual storytelling! I saw this on my iPhone with the sound turned off (not to wake my wife) and still got the message, rhythm, wittyness and mood. Nice work!

  • very clever idea.
    nice video, seen it twice now. explicative with good flow of images (alternate edit), well shot ;)... did U do animation too? fits the product/concept. me being picky - the only thing I don't understand is how the video ends, that second part of the last shot... doesn't make sense to me. all good

  • I hate hate hate kickstarter's SD 4x3 compression. Looks like shit. I don't know why they don't just allow for Vimeo or youtube for primary videos.