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Reducing the GH2's sharpness on the 14-140mm kit lens
  • 29 Replies sorted by
  • Diffusion filter?

  • @TruHype

    What shutter speed and frame rate do you shoot at?

  • Please let me know when you find a solution if there is one.

  • I doubt any of the GH2 patches influents the sharpness. In the first part of first video up there the subjects are very sharp, while reduced DOF makes the rest look smoother- that part is simply out of focus.

    The problem of using 14-140 lens is its big DOF, by f/4 it is equivalent to what f/8 looks like on the FF sensor (or 36x24mm film) and practically it is often used at f/5.6 which is on the micro four thirds sensor equivalent to f/11.

    Setting sharpness to -2 is best you can do. Most of people set all to -2, but the contrast and NR should sometimes not be set beyond -1 (IMHO) depending on the situation. The saturation value is purely matter of taste (or needs)