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Digital Bolex raw camera, no longer made
  • 1130 Replies sorted by
  • D-bolex will cost a fortune, they crappy looking footage will be cool and find one of the 10 running models available in the world will be an indiana jones task.

    Something tells me that finding even one next year and futher year ahead will be Indiana Jones task,

  • well, you are being realistic rather than optimist... :)

  • so clueless!
    from the comments below his blog post, someone is pointing out:

    "Still no Thunderbolt CF reader :-("

    "We had made a connection and tried discussing it with another producer of high end card readers, but they eventually came back to us with a proposal for us to buy several thousand of their existing readers(not thunderbolt) that could be branded Bolex for a hefty price. I told them we weren’t interested in that

    We’re talking to someone new now Hopefully we’ll have more news on that soon.

    Would USB 3 be just as good as thunderbolt? Or is Thunderbolt a necessity?"

  • @Alex

    This response just made my day. Someone really need to contact authorities.

  • I thought this part was great,

    1. The online process is so problematic that many people go to post houses to finish their films, even though they have capable computers and software at home. Using XML to match an edited sequence back to the original raw footage almost never works correctly in existing software. So unless you have the budget to send your footage to a post house you end up wasting a lot of time re-editing to get proper sequences into a color correcting software.
  • I cannot imagine this is a scam, because they raised $262,661 (not really a lot in the world of cons). If it were, they would have blown through that amount by now. It appears that they came up with a good idea. I liked it... at first. They seem to have no plan for real R&D/Manufacture, only marketing ideas.

    Of course, Elle got to be on some panels when she was not really qualified to be on them. So, there is that. I guess someone paid for the airfare.

  • I cannot imagine this is a scam, because they raised $262,661 (not really a lot in the world of cons). If it were, they would have blown through that amount by now. It appears that they came up with a good idea. I liked it... at first. They seem to have no plan for real R&D/Manufacture, only marketing ideas.

    Issue here is it is not they who came with this idea. Check first pages for a guy who stand behind it all, in their interviews they clearly stated it. He seems like professional money finder for startups of different kind, as I understand all of them never produced anything real. And developing and developing is much better idea than to just get money and run.

    And timing tells more like from some source they could get info about coming BM camera. As they lauched in inappropriate place, had nothing but strangely avoided NAB announcments. Had been supported by all internet media personas who had nothing but few words by email.

  • Some of the Digital Bolex bashing here is a little excessive i must say. There are some valid points and fears though.

    Well I'm a camera backer of the D16, why? - Because it's the camera I was looking for. I came from working with film, Super 16mm, and to be honest, DSLR's, while handy and good at certain things, just don't cut it. Codecs man, they suck. Raw is the future, and I want to be part of that future.

    I can see why people don't like certain aspects of the D16, but most of the dissent and vitriol seems to be aimed at the creators and the team behind the D16. That's an easy thing to do due to the relative anonymity of the net. I say give 'em a chance, let them prove themselves.

    Being a backer of this camera may be seen as taking a risk, but so what? Risks should be taken, I took a calculated one and Joe even contacted me to talk about every detail of my concerns, which allayed my fears. Without risk, this world would be a very boring place. Filmmaking is risk taking, we risk all sorts of things each and every day, without risk, no art or decent film would even exist.

    The team behind the D16 have also done what no other camera company has done - listened, and actually put in place those designs and specs that their customers wanted. That needs to be applauded.

    But, as the saying goes - The proof is in the pudding, and I look forward to cooking up some tasty Raw D16 footage for the dissenters to munch over.

  • @IndySkint

    Some of the Digital Bolex bashing here is a little excessive i must say. There are some valid points and fears though

    Read this topic from the start, as right now I see same advertisment sugar we already saw.

    No one here talked about "aspects of D16 they don't like".

    We are talking here that this two guys are just coverage for real boss. And yes, "the team" with absolutely unprofessional and incorrect statemens.

    My good advice, rather than talk to Joe, go and contact authorities.

  • @IndySkint - like I said, "I hope I'm wrong".

  • Kickstarter startups aren't necessarily all thieves. This article shows how one creative but inexperienced dreamer got sued for a dream he just couldn't make come true.

    When Kickstarter Investors Want Their Money Back

    Does this ring any bells?

  • [one company that] put in place those designs and specs that their customers wanted.

    As one hooker said to ABC's Chaser interviewer re the Government's anti-AIDS campaign,

    "Brochures!, man, THAT's what we need, Brochures!"

  • @goanna

    No one calling them thieves. But for long time I stated that full check is required on the firms involved and actual work done.

    Project above certain level must have special firm assigned that'll periodically make checks and collect and publish all expenses made. Right now Kickstarter is just a mess.

    About your article. As you can see, they had quite sane backers. It is mostly not the case with DB. As it looks like some sect. No even early sample of comera for almost a year? Fine, but they could tell you some hipster stories. Cool.

  • One member just sent me via PM, it is fun:

    Those kind of comments bother Elle a lot I think. This is going to sound kinda weird, but I kinda like those guys and wouldn't mind having a skype call with them. Think about what the persistence and the dedication to their negative emotion means. It means that at some fundamental level our project is creating some kind of identity crises for them. Maybe they are owners of $50K cameras, maybe they work in a very corporate environment, I don't know, but at some level this project calls into question some fundamental belief structure for them. It's kinda like when a bully beats up a gay kid. The reason the bully does that often is because he is afraid the gay kid may awaken latent homosexual feelings in himself. If we were making a microwave would they be so vicious?

    He is now wanting to have skype call with us. Guys, specially for ya, use PM here. And I specially like gay part :-)

    And right after this

    I'm sorry I don't have a release date for you. We are working on it and we are very conscious of everyones desire for footage and a firm release date. The next few weeks are going to be very exciting I promise

    Really, call authorities, someone.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    All joking aside, I haven't looked over any of the language at kickstarter to see if anything resembles a contract, but I imagine they are taking the ebay approach, argueing that they are merely a venue. That argument works up to a point, many states and countries have prohibitions on gambling and online gambling sites have been successfully blocked. Business "investment" is an entirely different type of gambling though, a startup investment without some sort of contract or written agreement is going to be a little snakey to litigate.

    I love the digital bolex idea, I love the idea of being able to shoot with 16mm glass for less than the price of an Ikonoskop. Lots of first-time camera constructors seem to have problems getting going and staying going.

  • @halimecondor

    I really suggest to drop the humour here with strange attempt to attach gambling.

    It is not gambling, it is investment and investment is not gambling. Despite kickstarter and authors constantly wanting (contrary tot heir claims) to turn it into preorder shop. Looking at your response you have very little idea how startup investment is performed.

    This guys can be sued for breaching contract.

  • I'm not sure if contacting the authorities is the right way to go, at this point. All that it could do is prevent them from focussing upon what they're supposed to be focussed on - building or problem-solving...

    Of course, there's the other side which is to err on caution and try to get the legal wheels moving before the set up is shuttered...

  • I'm not sure if contacting the authorities is the right way to go, at this point. All that it could do is prevent them from focussing upon what they're supposed to be focussed on - building or problem-solving...

    It is exactly right way to go. Idea that some geniuses who failed to deliver product must be "focused and we must not intervene" is weird.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    "It is not gambling, it is investment and investment is not gambling."

    Maybe I'm the only person in the room who ever lost money on the stock market.

    Really, if these guys are not telling the truth, if they are not performing some sort of due-diligence that was promised, or failed to meet some written performance goals, sure try blowing the whistle to whoever will listen.

    If they are just dumb, messy and disorganized, I don't know if there is a remedy.

  • @halimecondor

    Really, do not talk on child level here. Won't work. Go to any venture capital investor and check that is required to get even minor financing. And how tightly process is controlled afterwards.

    Really, if these guys are not telling the truth, if they are not performing some sort of due-diligence that was promised, or failed to meet some written performance goals, sure try blowing the whistle to whoever will listen.

    This guys constantly make very strage technically incorrect comments incompatible with any real serious project.

    And again, real boss behind all this is completely silent. And as I said, he has quite a record.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev : you mentioned a link or reference to the "real boss" earlier, I can't find it, do you have one?

  • Check first pages, and also Elle interview in this topic.

    It is head of Ienso startup - Stylianos Derventzis

  • @rockroadpix

    I think it's already been posted here but anyways,

    Stylianos Derventzis happens to be the registrant listed on a whois search for and

    He is the Stelio in the video at this update on the kickstarter project,

    The date that he first registered is 03/21/2011 as seen in the whois results,


    Date Registered: 03/21/11 Date Modified: 03/06/12 Expiry Date: 03/21/13 DNS1: DNS.INTERNIC.CA DNS2: DNS2.INTERNIC.CA


                   Stylianos Derventzis
                   20 Mural Street, Unit 7                   
                   Richmond Hill, on (CA)
                   L4B 1K3

    Administrative Contact

                   Stylianos Derventzis
                   5 Shady Golfway APT 410                   
                   North York, ON (CA)
                   M3C 3A5

    So I think that Stelio was behind it from the beginning which makes all this talk about some of their manufacturing partners seem kind of silly(read false).

  • @jpturbo Yeah, I found that. He was also listed on a bunch of patent hits on Google. I didn't bother looking them up too much as it was a lot to wade through...

  • So I think that Stelio was behind it from the beginning which makes all this talk about some of their manufacturing partners seem kind of silly(read false).

    Elle in one of the videos posted here states that he is real boss, as far as I remember.

    Yeah, I found that. He was also listed on a bunch of patent hits on Google. I didn't bother looking them up too much as it was a lot to wade through...

    As I checked all of them are weird and old. Related to first unsucessfull startup. Each new startup appeared right after another died.