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  • HERE: - I've found this quote, to do with "improving" on the GH2'S default White Balance settings:

    "The Lumix sensors are also all a bit predisposed to green at the expense of warm reds, yellows and oranges. Energy saving lightbulbs especially don’t help, since these have a green cast and the GH2 exaggerates it.

    On any white balance preset (even auto) that you intend to use, customize them so that the notch in the color chart is two steps toward yellow (on the left) and 1 step down toward Magenta. Don’t go any further than this because it will give whites a pink cast. This compensates for the green cast, and warms the auto white balance preset slightly to remove the grey and neutral color tones. This will give you much stronger results indoors, in studios and render sunsets and evening skies in a much more lifelike way with deep scarlets and oranges rather than pathetic yellowy greens!"

    If true, as a general question, does this still hold true when using the various custom created settings? Again, if the above is true, do the custom settings take this into account and so one should put use the GH2's default White Balance?

    I hope I asked that right.

    Thank you

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • the white balance is sort of independent from the custom picture profiles (standard, cinematic, nostalgic, etc). it seems like saturation and contrast differ the most between them, but that is also just to my eye, and no real numerical basis. i pretty much just shoot on either smooth or nostalgic (for color), -2 for everything, then adjust wb from there. color temp obviously depends on location and time, but i always have put it at -2 (left, yellow), -2 (down, magenta) for some reason. the colors just looked better there than at default. i suppose i wasn't far off

  • thank you. yes, what i read on that links site suggests just as you found to do. I've had them there since I got my gh2 about a year ago. but only recently have I been experimenting with the "hacked" settings. and I wondered if they had addressed white balance issues within the hacked settings. I guess not.

    Good to know you are onto that same shift in left (yellow) and down.

    A rather amazing camera this GH2.
