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Parasite about parasites
  • George Soros, the billionaire investor, believes the banking sector is a “parasite” holding back the economic recovery and an “incestuous” relationship with regulators means little has been done to resolve the issues behind the 2008 crisis.

    “The banking sector is acting as a parasite on the real economy,” Mr Soros said in his new book “The Tragedy of the European Union”.

    “The profitability of the finance industry has been excessive. For a while 35pc of all corporate profits in the United Kingdom and the United States came from the financial sector. That’s absurd.”

  • 19 Replies sorted by
  • At this point, humanity itself is a parasite on the world. But it doesn't stop each of us from observing and speaking about the tragedy of the situation.

    At least Soros has more ability than most of us to mitigate the damage...

  • At least Soros has more ability than most of us to mitigate the damage...

    You mean that he can invite all his best friends and they will jump together from the cliff?

    Something tells me that it won't happen :-)

  • Second that - Soros is a destillation of human scumbag traits. Nazi collaborator gone totalitarian social liberal banskter parasite. He played the market and profited bigtime on the 2008 crash. Amazing that so many idolize that criminal.

  • Was he bailed out? The banks were, big-time, with other people's money. They did not reform and have been on a massive unpunished crime spree ever since. Kakistocracy makes for very bad allocation of capital

  • Was he bailed out? The banks were, big-time, with other people's money.

    I'll tell you small secret. It was all planned, and this money were used by resources companies (otherwise all could went bad).

  • Nazi collaborator gone totalitarian social liberal banskter parasite. He played the market and profited bigtime on the 2008 crash. Amazing that so many idolize that criminal.

    Here we go again. As a [Jewish] child, Soros was hidden with a gentile family who did work for the Nazis. So that makes him a Nazi collaborator, according to the American right-wing, who can't endure the fact that he contributes to liberal rather than right-wing causes and politicians.... Besides that, he thinks global warming is real and that inequality is destroying society, which are unendurable heresies coming from a billionaire.

    If you want actual Nazi collaborators, you might look to the Bush family which, curiously, doesn't bother those who hate Soros.

    As for profiting off the 2008 crash, all major financial interests profited. But Soros did not receive any "bail-outs".

  • But Soros did not receive any "bail-outs".

    Soros just got all his bail outs prior to this, by making big damages to various countries currencies (and getting their central banks money in return).

  • @jrd No need to push this into the left/right paradigm. Prescott Bush and his gang were criminals and financed both sides of the war. But look at Soros using his "philanthropy" to destabilize North Africa and Syria, one of the driving forces of manipulating the market and public perception up until the bubble burst in 2008 while at the same time betting against it via his hedgefunds, short selling currency so he almost broke the national bank of england, convicted for insider trading etc. - some kind of angel? When this criminal, and that's what he is, professes innocence working for the Nazi-established Jewish Council run by Adolf Eichmann in Budapest during WWII you take him by his word? Come on.

  • But look at Soros using his "philanthropy" to destabilize North Africa and Syria, one of the driving forces of manipulating the market and public perception up until the bubble burst in 2008 while at the same time betting against it via his hedgefunds, short selling currency so he almost broke the national bank of england, convicted for insider trading etc. - some kind of angel?

    Actions are irrelevant in modern political discourse. If you talk about "inequality" everybody praises you and looks the other way. It's bizarre how easy it is. I guess that's what happens when education is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator... focusing on "feelings" and "intentions"... instead of objective reasoning. Go figure.

  • Soros collaborated with Nazis? How old is this dude!

  • Actions are irrelevant in modern political discourse. If you talk about "inequality" everybody praises you and looks the other way. It's bizarre how easy it is. I guess that's what happens when education is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator... focusing on "feelings" and "intentions"... instead of objective reasoning. Go figure.

    Yes, indeed. "Everybody" praises you for decrying "inequality"-- except, perhaps, the people with the power to actually do something about it. But of course, those 3 billion people who live on less than a $2.50 a day, while a few hundred families world-wide control trillions of dollars of wealth, are only focusing on their "feelings" and "intentions" -- being hungry most of the time and having receiving a "dumbed down" education, or none at all, they lack your perspective and insight.

    As for Soros, nobody's claiming he's a hero. But hatred of him is oddly selective, obviously based in his liberal social positions, and goes to preposterous extremes. Note that he was a todder when the Nazis came to power and 9 years old when the WWII started. However, if eyenorth says he was a valued Eichmann employee, it must be true.

    Finally, I think you really mean to say that "facts" (not "actions") are irrelevant in modern political discourse -- inequality is irrelevant, global warming is irrelevant, etc. "Actions", however, are usually inescapable, as lots of hungry people can tell you. Or are they just failing at the "objective reasoning" at which you so excel?

  • As for Soros, nobody's claiming he's a hero. It's just that hatred of him is oddly selective and goes to preposterous extremes. Note that he was 9 years old when the WWII started.

    He is not only antihero, he is criminal that must be publically hanged up on the tree and left for birds. And no one care about that he is jew or where he was during WWII.

  • Then who else do you plan to hang, if we're talking about crimes of financial manipulation?

  • Then who else do you plan to hang, if we're talking about crimes of financial manipulation?

    I have no personal plans :-) Most of the bankers and insurers won't agree with necessary changes, so things can happen.

  • It's not my opinion that he was employee of the nazi Jewish Council at age 14 headed by Eichmann, it is historical fact. He was young, but he willfully snitched on other jews and delivered deportation notices for shipment to concentration camps.

    But, his actions of plundering nations in recent decades have nothing to do with his professed social liberal political bias. Though one could argue he uses his political front to smokescreen his crimes. That is matter of interpretation, his devilish geopolitical and financial crimes on the other hand are not so much a matter of interpretation.

  • @eyenorth

    And your source for these allegations is what exactly? For a less convenient and melodramatic account of the 14-year old Soros, readers can refer to

    As for his "devilish" crimes and manipulations, in what way do they differ from what Goldman Sachs, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Warren Buffett, Mitt Romney, private equity firms and major hedge funds are routinely celebrated for?

  • You're logic is flawed. Because other banksters are hardened criminals as well it somehow excuses Soros? The whole bunch are bad apples. Just a shame people are fooled by his poisonous tongue.

    As for Budapest in WWII, you don't have to dig too far to understand how the Jewish Council worked and how Eichmann used it. Soros' father even wrote about this in his autobiography.

  • Nothing flawed about my logic, I'm just perplexed by this passionate hatred of Soros, particularly your maniacal determination to vilify him for activities he himself has discussed and never attempted to conceal, when he was a child in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

    I mean, jeez: if you're an American, you live in a country where large numbers of celebrated politicians and very wealthy business people have for many years routinely supported murderous neo-fascist regimes abroad -- and they're not 14, not living under occupation, not in any personal danger, etc. They do it because they think it's good for business and are convinced that they're saving the world from socialism, which is the devil. Besides, the 99% (or is it the 99.9%?) don't deserve any say in government, as the billionaire Tom Perkins was so helpful to point out recently.

    But Soros is somehow, uniquely, the devil. It's strange. And I'm still not clear what's "poisonous" about his tongue. As they go, his books and economic analyses are pretty good -- far better than, say, than what you hear from other American billionaires and most politicians, trying to persuade us that we'll all go hell if we don't lower their taxes, cut Social Security, eliminate free school lunches and repeal Obamacare. And of course Soros is smarter and better educated than your average billionaire -- he has the knowledge and logical ability which bwhiz so admires. And look at the love it gets him! The poor guy just can't win....

  • Not american :) And if you read the posts above I think you'll find me in agreement that he is not unique in his plundering. But he does get more of a free pass.

    The problem is when he and others get away with their crimes because they play the political left/right paradigm to their advantage. Bush administration can sign patriot act, invade and destabilize countries and so-called right sector political followers excuse him because they're on his team. Obama administration can sign NDAA, jail whistleblowers, destroy north Africa by proxy, arm the Sinaloa cartel etc. etc. and many people are willing to look past this because they're part of team Obama or the so-called left side. Same Machiavellian situation is common in many countries.

    BTW the business sector of the country I live in is going to hell because taxes effectively are 75% + on all incomes. Soros, Buffet and these guys love this and argue for it - they're exempt anyways and have made it a habit of plundering debt-ridden countries. "Free school lunches" are mandatory many places here - forget giving your children healthy, organic food. And obamacare is going real swell in the US... (forgot it was carved out by Romney's people and the insurance companies in Massachusets?)