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Meetup: London
  • 98 Replies sorted by
  • 22nd of June seems also possible.. @filmcat...End of A levels, Time for celebration :) What about @philipbloom he's in Richmond as well... is he around?

    Anyway I can't 29th but I can 14th

  • Hey everyone, Canadian who happens to be visiting London from the 10th of July till around the 14th. Assuming your meet happens around this time, would anyone mind if joined your festivities?

  • 29th onwards is cool for me. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys.

  • I think we have to lock it down and whenever it is won't work for some people but majority vote seems to be 14th July so I suggest we go with that. Will send more details soon. If anyone knows Mr Bloom do invite. @MendalFly if the 14th works for you that's great.

  • 14th July works for me.

  • who will set the date and when? it is getting pretty late to book flights here.. :)

  • I'll be up for a meet up. June's good. Most days in July's good too. I'll wait for you guys to confirm a date and place.

  • Won't be able to make a July 12 to 14th meet.

  • how about for making this happen?

  • Perhaps belfryman could setup the meet up on if we're going to his spot then we can all respond?

  • @swinefever @anthonybert @fatpig @Bozzie @plegilink @ everyone else! Hi, will try and check out doodle but not used before and am in mega busy phase before I go on holiday monday. If @driftwood can't make 14th now think we need to rethink, would seem a big shame not to have him with us non? I have a birthday barbecue the following weekend which wouldn't work to combine with - about 100 people - so I wouldn't be able to do anything till the week after that 27th/28th July. Feels like we're getting later and later, shall we do a beer in london in the week when driftwood can make it instead or are people happy to wait it out?

  • 27th/28th is good for me !

  • lets take this forward. You can tick the days best suitable for you in here:

    I picked dates from the Weekend in question (13th/14th) to beginning of august.

    dont forget to put in your PV Forum name on the left. This site is in german for me, I hope it gets displayed in english for you. I put in 5:00 pm, because it does not work without time. We can make a separate doodle for time.

    feel free to add this to the first post. :)

  • belfryman, thank you for creating a doodle. Are any of you going to be Toronto bound this summer? I am thinking of hosting a get together when I get back from Europe.

  • Hi MendalFly it was actually fatpig that did the doodle. Wish I was Toronto bound.

  • Guys, lost interest? Time is rushing by and no doodle participants. ;)

  • @fatpig

    I suggest to make private conversation, add all people who participated here and inform them about possible variants - one or two (just not 30 of them).

    Also try to have more initiative and do not try to bring everyone, it won't work.

  • Added my dates.

  • Hi guys, I've added my dates on Doodle. Looking forward to meeting some of you. Fingers crossed you go with a date I can do! cheers Chris

  • Hi, I've also added some dates to Doodle, if anyones up for hosting a BBQ for the meet up even better!

  • As far as I understand July 21 is most probable date.

  • @tubefingers@Norman83@plegilink@@fatpig@driftwood@andyharris@anthonybert@Kino@FilmCat@soundgh2@Henry@CarSeat@AlanEHoward@Branson@haavard I am already having a barbecue next sunday 21st 12.30-5 which will be about 60 people I think, so not sure what you guys think about that, wouldn't be quite so focused, maybe a bit strange but otherwise we could do the following sunday but not till about 3 as I'm in rehearsals for a fringe play so rehearsing first half of day. So, next sun 21st with lots of peeps or following sunday 28th, take your pick.

  • Sunday 28th works for me. I think us video guys would have a good afternoon!

  • @plegilink Looks like just us then!

  • 28th is good for me too.