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Financial stimulus
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  • 7 Replies sorted by
  • You certainly made a lot of assumptions about what my economic understanding may be that's not supported by what I wrote. Fortunately, as you say, my ignorance of economics is only superficial, and therefore there must be a deep understanding underneath the surface.

  • Economic collapse is often a cleansing of bad assets. It's really from artificial propping up in the first place ie stimulus, If markets were allowed to work then bad assets would quickly collapse and new enterprise could happen with the resources, including human ones. Argentine actually has thrived since its collapse...

    Stimulus, or a better word is money printing dilutes the ones supply, and guess what, that affects the poorest who live on the margins the most. I hate to seem to insult you but your superficial ignorance of economics that I see you have is why Government, the FED and ruling elite find it so easy to tell the masses stimulus for one example is good for you, inflation is good and like sheep to the slaughter we buy those lies. The West does deserve some discipline anyway, it's been living high on the dollar without making anything and using the poor of the world to make its goods in exchange for Monopoly money.

    I recommend educating yourself, buy real assets and you can't go wrong reading some Ron Paul articles.

  • It frustrates me to hear people talk about economic collapse as if it is some great leveler to be welcomed. If you look at modern Western economies that have collapsed, like Argentina, you see that it truly horrible with great suffering endured by many, but particularly the people who had the fewest resources before the collapse. It takes years or decades to dig out from this and in the meantime, a lot of people face terrible hardship. And on the other side, they still have an economic class system that tends to look very similar to what they started with.

  • Nature is harsh, and we belong to it. Same old same old.

  • Even those who understand the economic crisis don't get that the system can always reset and a bright future can develop.

    I wish it could do it. Sandly due to energy and resources it can't. So, down and down.

  • Even those who understand the economic crisis don't get that the system can always reset and a bright future can develop. When the collapse comes, and I do believe it will, you will have a newly impoverished West but Asia and some other areas like Russia may well be the new leading nations. All China needs to do is unpeg from the dollar and develop its domestic consumers and they will be America 50 odd years ago.

    it's western arrogance that if their economies collapse then ALL of he world will be poor is wrong, When America was rich it didn't need Asia to be rich too. I don't see this as an economic collapse I just see the curtain being pulled on the current situation of western dominance. once the dust settles it will be those with real actual economies that do fine.

  • sadly too true. the only consoling fact: at the end of this line might be human extinction, after the 1 % surviving elite realizes it cant survive on its own, no masters without servants.