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Windmotion - upsampling to 4:4:4
  • 263 Replies sorted by
  • The footage is from Panasonic GH3 (courtesy of Superset Media Group) Processing: high-detail sharp and a film grain applied.

    Ripples and grain, as you see in the picture is the result of applying a film grain noise emulation filter. It masks H.264 non-random noise artifacts after a subpixel sharp.

  • Oh yeah, big difference. Thanks for putting that up! I haven't read all the latest documentation but is this something that can be done in Bulk or is each clip different?

  • @SuperSet clip settings are independent. But you can make one clip optimization, then you can copy these settings to other project avsi files using text selection and Copy&Paste. You can also create your own preset file for your camera or film environment by edit or copy the file "3. Edit\Avsi.bat".

    I personally copy partial settings from file to file, if required, using clipboard, and have own scripts.

    The processing is batch-optimized. All video files processed file by file. It requires a long time. So you can create a first optimization with a short cut, then process huge list of project files in a batch mode. This trick will keep your time.

  • Can Windmotion easily prepare TIFFs with right colour space and bit depth for DCP packaging?

  • @ahbleza no, image export is not supported.


  • @rean So if you wanted to build a tool chain that would export to DCP, which tool would you use AFTER Windmotion?

  • @ahbleza try this way (open source tools): I have not tested it. It is just a googling result.

    Use Windmotion export to H.264 10 bit (4:4:4 if need) and then ffmpeg and other steps, as described. FFmpeg understands H.264 color matrix flags correctly, as I tested.

  • Before/After screenshot:

    Something strange with her hair at top left. Like it clipped to pure white for highlights.

  • @tonalt

    Update. 4K example is updated, so this issue is fixed. Also I added less grain noise.

  • Windmotion 1.0.0 is there.

  • @rean I bought pro yesterday but never received my license info :(

  • @Misfire I have sent you a license info now. Sorry for the processing delay.

  • @rean Thanks I got it!!! =)

  • Could you please do a video tutorial on how to use the program. I downloaded it and read your instructions but it is still not clear to me how to make the program do the things I want.

  • @darklight hello. What kind of understanding you would like to see in the video? I can make it after a big video project I currently creating. But, please note, I cannot speak English, so this example will be silent.

  • @rean

    Keep up great work.

  • Hello. Here is my first test with Windmotion Pro. I used same settings that were used on "eyelashes" example. I upscaled only to 2.88K so there is propably too much sharpening. (I couldn't make 4K upscale work because of insufficient memory with 32bit-avisynth) Im sure the setting could be optimize a lot more for 2.88K upres.

    What do you think? is it worth it?

  • @blackspot Hello

    I used same settings that were used on "eyelashes" example

    These settings are for very noised source. You can increase a processing speed and a stability by decreasing count of denoise frames to 1 or 2. Daylight footages do not require too much denoise.

    About sharp: Windmotion Pro has very sensitive subpixel sharp. The first time it seems cool, but be conservative, especially in footages with faces.

  • 1.1.0 Update is available.

  • @rean. Will this work with cinema dng or prores files?

  • @spacewig for import or export? I think, if you have a quality source from pro camera, you do not need any improvement. Windmotion is for poor source. Probably you search for a tool that converts your source for pro use? I am not in this professional area, so cannot create a tool for this area.

  • @rean. For import use. I think your windmotion has very impressive denoise, upsampling and sharpening which is useful for any 1080p source. I don't think you should discount this.

  • Hello, friends. After these 1.5 yeas we have many changes in the industry. Windmotion also keeps new trends. I am able to announce the second major version of the program. It will be ready soon.

    The old version was a big breakthrough in the technological sense. But it was not very convenient to work with other programs. Also, I have collected a lot of feedback from users and my own experience with the program made me sit down to research and compilers to change everything. I'm doing a new version of the end of last year. Yes, it is very slow progress, and I do not have more time. I use as many time I can. I am working many hours per days 7 days a work. So, now I announce good news.

    1. We can create video projects faster. I changed the workflow scheme, so you can make very fast proxy files first, then, after final project is ready with these files - to enhance only used files and change proxy files to the finish quality videos. And this may be very long process- days of rendering for very high end cinematographic quality you can get using your fast computer. So it is faster and quality oriented.

    2. I spent many days of research to create the most compatible video file format. Not all encoding settings and file formats are used by modern video editors. Also there are too many technical problems to get most quality using existing open source tools. New version uses new file formats and new encoding settings those are compatible with QT and GPU decoding. Also we have no color space problems now (OMG, ffmpeg code is not for pro needs, but I can get the most usable also fast solution). My tests allow now use Windmotion resulted files in Blackmagic Fusion and Resolve in realtime for 1920x1080 4:2:2 50p. And it is possible for most possible quality I can get experimenting with encoding settings.

    3. We can divide video editing to many phases and repeat them many times. Now there is no need to keep all processing for good quality source. If you do not want to make denoise - it is not required now. Also you can change the processing order. And even to repeat any step.

    4. We have updated algorithms. They are 50% faster and also give us better quality. Also I have now very quality mosquito noise fix filters and other MPEG artifacts restorations. So we ready to move quality limit up to a 200 megabit equivalent now.

    5. Windmotion now supports 3D Lut files. So you can create a production quality color inside the program. Also most critical code is now native code optimized and in a 32bit floating point calculations.

    6. Now the program has two packages - a GPL stuff pack and scripts itself. So there is no requirements to download very huge binary packages for every change. It is safe to update new version for low bandwidth internet. Also this gives me a freedom to give you updates faster.

    7. Many old plugins now deleted. I keep only really needed and very high quality ones. Also I made my own plugins in binary code.

    8. Many small bugs were fixed. Unfortunately there were some small issues with bt.601/bt.709. Some unwanted very small and invisible for most users colorshift and noise artifacts is now fixed. But I personally create Windmotion for the most possible and the fastest solution I can even see. Now my eyes are so trained that I see more problems in the videos, so now I can report that I have been able to achieve such a compromise, which suits me. The vast majority of people do not see one percent of that can be fixed with new version.

    The new version will be ready for beta test next month. PS. It will be fully compatible with free Blackmagicdesign software.

    I ask you to help me with ideas for new release. What is bad for you in Windmotion 1.x and what must be changed first.

  • Wow, this sounds amazing. I think Ill download the free version tonight and try it out. Are the denoising and color upsampling in the free version limited compared to the pay version?

  • @joethepro denoise is better in pro edition. But I use free denoise filter most time—it is very fast and good quality compromise. Upsample works in any edition - it is available with a help of a basic combination of small level denoise and other filters—to remove edge artifacts (dehalo and antialiasing gives most of the upsample magic). It is very basic in free edition.