Olympus Korea will begin charging on 43 lens cleaning and pin correction next month. 43 owners are pissed off. Seriously... what's the chance that Oly introduces new 43 body? Who buys NEW 43 lenses?
I bet many of us are using GH bodies because of the firmware hacks. I like Panny m43 lenses... but Panny gotta improve the sensor raw performance and fix FPN. GF3, G3, GH3, GP1 whatever. Improve the sensor!!!
> I doubt that many care about Korea here :-) And I see no wrong with this. I'm speculating this is new Olympus policy spreading to other countries. Let's see if there is a flood of used 43 gears on sales.
> Don't know answer for first question. As for second - anyone who needs them. I'm sure there will be those who buy new lenses for a system that might not have another new body model. Definitely not me.
> I am here to disappoint you. Most don't give a fuck about some hacks. True...
> This is not a fairy tale, and things do not happen overnight. GH1's sensor raw power is still the best among m43 bodies. No more excuse for Panny to release another m43 body without noticeable improvement in sensor.
43 is a dead end. The top of the line lenses have no size/weight/price advantage over APS-C/FF lenses. The bodies have all the drawbacks of similiar flipping mirror dslrs and have noisier IQ because of the smaller sensor. One might as well go with a Nikon/Canon system if they want to pay that kind of money to lug heavy gear around.
m4/3 is the obvious choice for a high quality yet compact interchangeable lens camera system today.