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GF3 Stable Settings topic
  • 147 Replies sorted by
  • Many thanks guys! I am trying the 32Mbps AQ4 is Most Standard Stable Setting first, I will look at the Sanity5 too thanks for the suggestions. I noticed that there are multiply files of one setting available - which one do you choose then? @subco are you saying that Sanity5 has lower bitrate than the 17mbps stock GF3 firmware?

  • Hi Guys Where can settings for the be found? I am looking for the "32Mbps AQ4 is Most Standard Stable Setting" in particular.

  • I have tried:

    • eoshd GF2 HBR patch

    • Mysteron Standard

    • Mysteron Burst

    • Sedna AQ1 A

    No problems with my GF3 and 32GB SanDisk Extreme 45MB/s. (I use it for short clips, didn't try long).

  • I tried Sanity 5 on a 30mb/s sandisk extreme in my GF3, it's very stable and gives a nice mix of image quality versus file size. Anyone found good settings for slowmo on GF3?

  • Use proper topic please, one starting with Beginners:

  • thanks Vitaliy. i did read that and thats why i was puzzled why it wasnt loading. looks like the file i downloaded is bad. is the .ini file supposed to be a plain text file?

  • I have just got my first Lumix - GF3. I have never hacked them or anything like that. Have the camera and lens with latest firmware installed (v1.2 I believe for the boxy and 1.1 for the lens). How do I go about improving the video quality on this camera? Do I just use PTool and crank AVCHD Video Bitrate for FSH from 16m to 32m and Auto Quantizer from 0 All to motion to 4 All to details or smt? I don't want to go extreme for starters. Can you guys please guide me a bit?

  • My video GF3 DARK MATTER bitrate 98 mb tilt shilt program...

  • I think I'm pretty much decided on using my GF3 as a Sedna only body, Senda looks stunning on this body and yes has limits like 4-6 minute clips, but considering you can pick up these bodies for $210-$200 any day of the week.. totally going to dedicate my lone GF3 to high bitrate short shots for Sedna.. unless we find something better. as time progresses. Keep in mind I have GH2 and GF2 bodies and now a sony Nex5n (for 60p to 24p Slo-Mo), so for long shoots I'm covered for whatever, but the best performance I have seen on this camera is Sedna , for those short extra shots that I don't grab with the GH2's this will be the camera for that. Sedna and this body even on a cheap class 10 card make awesome B-roll stuff for next to nothing in investment wise. Now we can only wait for manual controls in video mode.. but with fast lenses you can control it by maxing it out to the point it cant go up ISO wise. For my work that works quite well, I don't do dark film looks, everything I typically do involves blowing out highlights (exterior windows) and making a bright high contrast look, I can pull that off with the GF2 GF3 bodies with fast lenses. Granted its no replacement for the GH2 and its manual controls and superbly detailed footage, its a hell of a body for little cash once hacked and patched. I still have not figured out the entire no spanning on certain patches issue but have kind of decided its not worth it for this absurdly cheap body.. setting it to a certain use and leaving it at that. Not that it isn't worth it, maybe once we get manual control, it will be, but for now I'm very happy with the use I need from this body. Generally this is my body of choice for just walking around with a camera due to it little size.. great can great functionality with various patches etc. I may continue testing various configurations as they come out, but as it sits for the money this body make me very happy. Yes, I'm kind of settling on this body, but at a standard that really is quite high.. This footage blows away anything in its price range.

  • @Agrivar You don't tell what svettnings you utsed. If it is standard GOP (12) it do not span, try loger The bitrate to 32. You can allo use svettnings usling sporter GOP, then Will span on higher bittrastes. Look in GF2 and GF3 Stable svettnings, i think I saw an explanation somewhere Therese as on what bittrares and GOPs it Will span.

  • I tried the patch using stable settings 38 mbit for fsh but I have spanning problems. My video recording stops when then file reaches 4gb. Anyone has ideas?

  • @Ebacherville Thanks for the explanation. I´m currently on stock GOP 32Mbit AQ4. Looks very promising, but i have to do real tests. I think its crazy to record like 4gb in 6 minutes. You need many huge and expensive cards. I´m not even sure that All Intra make such a big difference in image quality. Its more for the editing experience.

    Hmm. I think no one actually did a shootout comparison between settings up until now. Right? At least i didn´t find one.

  • @Ebacherville I found a good deal on a Sandisk Card at Best buy.. It's an Extreme type card by the way, 30mb class 10....Hopefully this will work well with a high bitrate patch?

  • edbneutron, spanning is what the camera does when you record and the video file gets over 4 gb (4gb is a file system limit per file on FAT16 formatted memory cards) so what the camera does is just continues recording in another file once it makes the first 4gb file, but the camera doesn't loose any video in the process, just continues recording in a new file. The really high bitrate patches have a harder time spanning the file to a new file as they are already writing huge amounts of data to the memory card. Basically if the card cant get that new file created fast enough the cameras buffer cant hold all that data and the span fails and the recording stops.

    On the GF2 or GF3 with Sedna or Mysteron all Intra patches a 4gb file is created in about 4-6 minutes depending on how complex the scene is. If you never shoot for longer than 4-6 minutes per scene then spanning is of no concern.. Like shooting film scenes one at a time.. but if your shooting long interviews or events where you need long recordings then it is of a concern to you. Depends on your needs are.

    Either way hacked footage looks far better than non hacked, even if its some of the lower bit rates that are rock solid and span perfectly.

  • Hello. I´m new to this. Just got my GF3. Really nice performance with hacking. Can someone explain me what "spanning" is? Everone talks about it. Have no idea..... Thanks

  • Did some more testing on this 30 minute issue tonight, went back to stock firmware with only the 30 minute removal checked.. it worked flawlessly, so ptools is working properly , don't know what it is in some patches that is stopping the camera at 30 minutes yet, but if you counting on it to go past 30 on a particular setup I'd test it first, because my other tests with other settings it was check market to remove the 30 min time out and it didnt remove it and the recordings stopped at 30 min, yet the same patch on my GF2 does not stop at 30. It wasn't due to failed spanning, as the file was on 3.4 -3.6gb on both failed timeout removal instances I found this issue with.. now to figure out what the particular issue that is causing this oddity. Further testing will continue.

  • ill double check that..

    Just checked, it is not check marked in the testers section. Be nice is if someone else can confirm this.

  • @Ebacherville : You should also confirm that the "recording limit" setting (in the testers section) is NOT checked. It defaults to 1799 seconds (i.e. 29:59 minutes), which might also explain the unexpected stop to your recording.

  • Good. You found a bug. Thanks.

  • Just rechecked on my GF3 today, Applied a different patch, Cake 2.0, double checked that it was indeed set to remove the the 30 minute limit, and put a timer on for my self at 28 minutes so I could see if it did indeed end at 30, and the 30 minute limit removal is not working on the GF3 , the camera hit 30 minutes and stopped.

  • Curious thing just happened, I was recording some footge for a time lapse.. Using Flowmotion 1.11, set the shot up, hit record and walked away.. check back on it a few times, third time came to the camera and it was off.. the remove 30 minute record didn't work , it recorded exactly 30 minutes then stopped recording and went into sleep mode.. I double checked my hack patch settings and it was check marked to remove the 30 min time limit in ptools. Any one else have this issue on GF3

  • I have a "instant film" project coming up for work, and get to use GH2's (8 - 10 hour turn around on it), I may keep that in mind.. lower that render time a bit. Last shots end at about 11pm Saturday , many people call these "happy face" or "smiling faces" videos, shoot all week, last shot ends at 11pm Saturday , film is shown 8am Sunday.. Basically recap coverage of a live event. the short shot time won't hinder me on this type of gig.

  • Yep the lower the gop the quicker the render.

  • Tested Sedna AQ1 tonight on the GF3, it worked fine, nice average low 90mbps bitrates but liked Mysteron just as much.. then went back to Flowmotion 1.11.. due to spanning ability. I will note the all intra based patches do have a more 24p look to them. kind of "framey" look especially in pans or high motion. That may be your preference to look more filmlike.. Also noted the Sedna AQ1 looked more grainy (good fine fast grain) than Mysteron.. again if your going for a film look this may be your thing. Really on the GF line I'm not going for a film look just good footage for a super small carry anywhere camera.. so I'm looking for spanning at the best possible image.. so far I like Cake 2.0, Flowmotion 1.11, and pvdog's patches the best on the GF line