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Apple and Cloudfire want to make their own fake DNS
  • Cloudflare is proposing a new DNS standard it developed with Apple that’s designed to help close a blindspot in my (and I’m sure many others’) internet privacy measures.

    The protocol is called Oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH), and it’s meant to help anonymize the information that’s sent before you even make it onto a website.

    The protocol works by introducing a proxy server between you and the DNS server. The proxy acts as a go-between, sending your requests to the DNS server, and delivering its responses back without ever letting it know who requested the data.

    Just introducing a proxy server, though, is only moving the problem up one level: if it has the request, and also knows you sent it, what keeps it from making its own log of sites you visited? That’s where the “DNS over HTTPS” (DoH) part of ODoH comes in.

    Just one thing - it has nothing to do with privacy, as you can use VPN already for this.

    But it has all to do with censorship of huge number of sites, as this guys will control all DNS requests.

    Google will also have almost same DNS protocol implemented very soon in Chrome.

    This guys now want to destroy all smaller sites they don't like.