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No one noticed but Trump killed US software industry
  • This amendment further restricts Huawei from obtaining foreign made chips developed or produced from U.S. software or technology to the same degree as comparable U.S. chips.

    For chip suppliers across regions, the ban could also be a setback, as most use U.S. design software from Cadence Design Systems and Synopsys and chip-etching tools from firms that include Applied Materials.

    In Asia, memory chipmakers — including Korea’s Samsung and SK Hynix, Japanese image sensor maker Sony, and Taiwanese chipset maker MediaTek — may be affected

    A Sony spokesperson declined to comment but pointed to the company’s comments earlier this month that it would cut its three-year sensor investment plan to adjust to the changing environment in the smartphone market. Sony has already reduced image sensor output and . is already taking into account the Huawei impact in their forecast.

    Impact of Trump doings will be staggering.

    Now all EU and Asian companies and goverments understand that you NEVER can rely on US software. Be it common OS or specific niche software.

    Trump actually is leading old economy forces against huge new economy behemoths, and idea of using war with China to set them on their knees is very smart.

    Trainweck of huge US based companies, including Apple, will be so huge that it will be remembered for centuries.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • I don’t fully understand the statement. What it mean is that patents from Chips and software would be limited only for Chinese manufacturing, but all the implied brands Asociated to later business with USA will not be able to make any more.

  • @endotoxic

    It means that if any company in the world used any US software in the process of making product they intent to ship to Huawei - they can't do ship it, or will get extreme measures against their own company.

    And this thing has only one goal - destroy whole foundation of new US economic giants. As now no one can trust them, no one can use their solution as their main tools.