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Favourite bedtime book?
  • What's your favourite bedtime book? Mine is a wartime tragedy...

    640 x 480 - 449K
  • 13 Replies sorted by
  • hmm..interesting..

  • The original reading, proper video by an Aussie Acting Legend not just audio.

  • Revisiting a classic ;)

    H.264 is a robot in this one.

    612 x 501 - 92K
  • This is something to read when sleeping to wake up..

    432 x 648 - 35K
  • lemmeseee..

    75 x 75 - 8K
    476 x 640 - 243K
  • @svart

    dang you beat me to it. I'll simply add the Samuel L Jackson reading:

  • Macroblock leapt on Macroblock valiantly fighting; loud their data clashed smitten with scaling matrixes, with loop filters, and with horrible YCC stuff. Quantizers plunged into macroblocks flesh: dread I macros drank their fill of blood: struck down fell macroblock on macroblock, as Intra and Inter fought.

  • "What salivates one may pukifye another. The noise underfoot cums through ceilings over lovers. Nightmares and dreams try to define the struggles of life in our minds in time"

  • Here's mine...

    600 x 600 - 104K
  • The nightmares came from this horror story I read last week...

    640 x 480 - 437K
  • Jesus, then you wonder where do the nightmares come from... :) Seriously, when you start solving advanced mathematics in your dreams, it's time to take a break! ;)